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(These devotionals can be best understood by reading them in order)

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

lampostA Light For My Path

On Day 3, I stated that the Bible is the story of our Soul’s journey on the plane of duality … a journey that is nearing its end at the Gates of the Garden of Eden.

Our eternal Souls have traveled for thousands of lifetimes.  We have lived in many nations on this planet … we have incarnated within the various races … lived many lifetimes as a male … lived many lifetimes as a female.  Our Souls have experienced being poor and being rich … succeeding in the eyes of Earth humans and failing in the eyes of Earth humans.  There are few, if any, life situations in which our Soul has not sought to live and learn.

Mother/Father God had granted us the gift of freewill choice and the opportunity to grow spiritually by experiencing the challenges of the plane of duality.  Our Souls have take advantage of this opportunity by incarnating in as many different life situations as possible.


 Looking back at Genesis 1:27, we may be startled at what we learn.  “So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”  Mother/Father God first created us in his imagewe were androgynous spirit beings—child gods. 

 During the initial stage of our Soul’s sojourn in the Garden of Eden, we were androgynous beings of spirit—we displayed a balance of masculine qualities and feminine qualities.  As spirit beings, we were feminine: loving and nurturing –   and – masculine: assertive and ambitious.

As our Souls continued to involute into a denser vibration, we have the symbolic story of the 2nd creation in Genesis 2.  In order to live in a denser environment, we mutated from a spirit being to a more physical being.  Genesis 2 relates this involution as “then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.”   Living in a denser environment and physical body changed things … Adam (signifying our Soul) lost his androgynous nature.

Notice that in Genesis 2:18-22, our Mother Father God decided “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.”  God proceeded to create the animals, birds, and other creatures of the Earth.  “But for the man there was not found a helper as his partner.  So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh.  And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.”  This is the symbolic story of humankind’s involution into the separation of sexes into male and female physical bodies.

 The separation of sexes had a huge impact on our Soul’s journey back to the Gates of Eden.  As is evident in the biblical stories and in the historical account of Earth humans, males and females crippled themselves by adopting very different personality characteristics. Males assumed the aggressive, domineering role in most cultures on the planet; women accepted a much more passive role.  Male and female became unequal in our own eyes.


 Two thousand years ago, Jesus incarnated with the Soul Mission of preparing Earth humans for a return to the Garden of Eden.  Much balancing needed to take place regarding the separation of sexes.  Jesus set an example regarding the equality of male and female by his treatment of women.  He also set an example of an androgynous human being by demonstrating the highly intuitive, compassionate feminine qualities and the masculine assertive, ambitious creativity.

The pathway back to androgyne has been a long, circuitous one.  It has also been one that highlighted the various stages of the journey.

On the Soul level, our Souls have simply loved each other.  No problem.

On the physical level, two Souls that love each other may choose to incarnate in the same sex body.  Or a Soul that has incarnated into the physical as a male for numerous times will need to incarnate as a female in order to achieve a balance of the male/female qualities … the same is true for Souls that have incarnated numerous times as a female.  As a result, to love the same sex can be very natural.  Love stems from the Soul level.

Because most Earth humans have been taught “you have only one life to live,” we have filled this “one” life with a tremendous assortment of dos and don’ts.

Acceptance of our Soul’s eternal journey allows us to recognize the various stages of growth that we all experience.  Each one of us is living through the evolutionary process that is required for our Soul to return home—to the Garden of Eden. 

During this 2013 Lenten Season, may we “fast” from negative feelings, judgments, and discrimination of gays, straights, bi-sexuals, and transgenders.

 May we “feast” upon knowing and understanding that each one of us is walking the path—with all of its various stages—back to our own androgynous being.  May we “feast” upon enhancing those qualities that allow us to re-gain androgyne.[i]

[i]   The fear and fascination with which our planetary society often approaches anyone different from “us” can be caused by subconscious Soul memories of incarnations when we were walking that identical stage of our own  journey back to the symbolic Garden of Eden.

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” and during our own evolutionary journey.  (Ecclesiastes 3:1)


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