Nancy Detweiler
It is with sadness that we bide farewell for a while to another Lightworker who dedicated years of his life to spreading the word as to what is really happening on our planet and to its inhabitants. He operated under the name of Poof and delivered weekly messages from his insider top level informants—at great risk to his life.
Through the years of my involvement in seeking and propagating truth, I have seen several very dedicated Lightworkers with whom I have worked over the internet leave this plane. Each time, I feel sadness that it has taken so long to awaken the people to the myriad ways in which we all are being enslaved.
At least this time, there are visible signs that we the people are finally awakening! May the awakening process continue to grow by leaps and bounds!
On this Memorial Day weekend, may we pause and give thanks for the dedicated Lightworkers who have returned to spirit not knowing how much longer it will take before all that is hidden will be revealed to the people.
Thanks for all of your work, Poof!