Colleen, Sheldan Nidle's Life Partner
She and Sheldan use to live in Hawaii
What a loving way to greet each other!
Aloha comes from two Hawaiian words.
Alo = center or heart of the Universe
Ha = breath or spirit of the Creator
Aloha is found in our hearts. It is the essence of the Creator's Love and when that
love is expressed through our voices, our minds, our hearts and our hands, the world
becomes a better place.
There is only one heart, one center, one spirit, one Aloha. Find Aloha at the core
of your own being and you will have instantly found it in everyone and everything.
Aloha exists beyond motives, desires or opinions. It is sustained by Love, fortified
by compassion and it expands in power and beauty as we give it away to all who come
into our lives.