Home » Christopher Forson » INSPIRATION & MOTIVATION – A VIDEO

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Christopher Forson

Accra, Ghana



Christoper Forson is a young man living in Accra, Ghana. A facebook friend called my attention to him because he demonstrates the inner power to inspire and motivate others to reach for their dreams. He just completed this video.

 I am sharing it because my prayer is that Chris will soon receive the help he needs in order to fulfill his dreams. He has certainly overcome many challenges and emerged with a sense of profundity and caring for others.

 Way to go, Chris! Your video is beautiful!


The more I learn about Christopher, the more impressed I am.  Here is a young man from Ghana whose life situations grew so bad that he attempted suicide several times.  He obviously lived for a reason–he, like every human being, incarnated with a Divine Purpose & Plan for his life.  He pulled himself together and is now fulfilling his mission in life by creating these beautiful, inspirational videos.  As you view the video, you can know that the man behind it knows how you feel, has struggled with finding a purpose in life–he has walked in your shoes and reached the other side!  Know that you can do the same!  Chris’ videos come from his heart to yours … he is saying to you, “I know you can do it too!”

A second video by Christopher!



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