Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
One of the most fascinating parts of David Wilcock’s recently released book, The Synchronicity Key, is the section in which he reveals how history repeats itself in cycles of time. History repeats itself until humanity has learned the lessons involved and/or decides to change our responses to the situations/events.
In December 2012, our planet completed the old 2,160 years Piscean Age and entered the New Aquarian Age. A much greater cycle also ended, called the Great Year or the Precession of the Equinoxes—a 25,920 years cycle. The New Aquarian Age cycle is to initiate the Golden Age. Humanity will create this Golden Age of Love, Peace, and Abundance for all by heeding the lessons of our past and choosing love over hate, peace over war, and abundance for all over wealth for the few. At this very moment, humanity is in the process of making these freewill choices.
An important element present within many nations on this planet is that of the Election of Government Officials. America is presently in the throes of campaign speeches and advertisements in preparation for the November 2013 Elections.
In reading Wilcock’s book, I was startled to find that a document written in 63 B.C. for Marcus Cicero’s campaign for Consul by his brother, Quintus,[i] continues in vogue today. This document is entitled “How to Win an Election: An Ancient Guide for Modern Politicians.” [ii]
I wonder how old the information included is for it to be called—in 63 B.C—an ancient guide? Astonishingly, this ancient guide is still being used in 2013 A.D.
“Karl Rove, former deputy chief of staff and senior advisor to George W Bush, was quite enamored with Cicero’s advice—and issued this quote for the back cover of the book: ‘Quintus Cicero … [is]a master political strategist …. This primer provides timeless counsel—and a great read for the modern practitioner.’” [iii]
The translator for this primer, Philip Freemen, wrote the Introduction in which he listed 10 steps in winning an election:
- Make sure you have the backing of your family and friends.
- Surround yourself with the right people.
- Call in all favors.
- Build a wide base of support.
- Promise everything to everybody.
- Communication skills are key.
- Don’t leave town.
- Know the weaknesses of your opponents—and exploit them.
- Flatter voters shamelessly.
- 10. Give people hope.
Wilcock quotes relevant excerpts from Freeman’s Introduction for the most revealing steps:
“5. Promise everything to everybody. Except in the most extreme cases, candidates should say whatever the particular crowd of the day wants to hear. Tell traditionalists you have consistently supported conservative values. Tell progressives you have always been on their side. After the election, you can explain to everyone that you would love to help them, but unfortunately circumstances beyond your control have intervened. Quintus assures his brother that voters will be much angrier if he refuses to promise them their heart’s desire than if he backs out later ….”
“8. Know the weaknesses of your opponents—and exploit them…. Winning candidates do their best to distract voters from any positive aspects their opponents possess by emphasizing the negatives. Rumors of corruption are prime fodder. Sexual scandals are even better.”
“9. Flatter voters shamelessly …. Make voters believe you genuinely care about them.”
“10. Give people hope …. Give the people a sense that you can make their world better, and they will become your most devoted followers—at least until after the election, when you will inevitably let them down. But by then it won’t matter, because you will have already won.” [iv]
Humanity is in the process of creating the New Golden Age. We live in new cycles and have the opportunity to answer the call to WAKE UP and recreate our world During the coming weeks, as our present flawed election system is cast before our eyes each time we turn on the television, let us observe … evaluate and learn from our past … decide how we would like to improve the politics of elections … and set about creating those changes.