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Will humanity’s long nightmare finally begin to end this week with the bankruptcy of Washington D.C.?

Posted by benjamin

October 15, 2013

All of us who have watched in horror and disgust over the years as the rogue regime in Washington D.C. has carried out mass murder and countless other unspeakable crimes are hoping they will go bankrupt this week on October 17th.

It is a fact that this criminally insane rogue government has murdered through over 50 million people since World War 2 ended. This cabal also recently staged a sarin gas attack in Syria in yet another effort to start World War 3. This regime hijacked the Republic of the United States of America and turned that Christian nation into a mass of brainwashed couch potatoes or mindless, subservient thugs.

Bankrupting the US criminal regime will deal a fatal blow to the international mafia hiding above most of the world’s publicly visible governments.

This is the same mafia that publicly executed President John F. Kennedy. They have also either murdered, bribed or intimidated most other world leaders ever since that time including many of the current leaders of the G20 group of nations.

According to the Vatican, the corporate organizations that lie above the G20 group are ……….

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NOTE BY NANCY:  Although in the past, I have chosen NOT to post regularly Benjamin Fulford’s updates, I feel that this partial report will help many understand the behind the scenes happenings that have created the world we now see collapsing.  Fulford has made a tremendous contribution to our planet with his updates.  Presented in his own angry way while risking his life to do so, he has awakened many to the actual conditions on our planet.  I, personally, read his reports and accept what resonates with me as a result of my own research and allow the rest to fall away.  I encourage you to do the same.

It is important to remember that there are THREE CITY STATES THAT CONTROL OUR WORLD:  The Vatican controls us through religion … London controls us through finances … and Washington, D.C. controls us through creating continual military activities.  This system of control is now collapsing.

Behind the scenes a bright new future awaits each of us—a future of freedom!


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