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Part 200, Father God Tells of Earth, Galaxy and Beyond

Channeled thru

Dr. Kathryn MayDr. Kathryn E. May

March 24, 2014

…. It is time now to close this chapter of the story of the descent and final ascension of Planet Earth. Humankind has triumphed over the darkness which has kept them in the grip of unhappiness, suffering, illness and poverty for thousands of years. It is a story that goes back millions of years; it will be available and thoroughly understood once the planet and her beloved inhabitants have ascended to fulfill their destiny, which is to live in harmony and peace in the Paradise which is to be Mother Earth in her renewed state.
The Library of Porthologos is the depository of all records and information concerning the creation and history of all the Universe. It was one of the reasons Earth was created in this area of the Milky Way Galaxy. Humankind are the natural bearers of the knowledge of Creation; this is part of what is held in the codes of the DNA strands which are now being activated by the cosmic plasma waves and high vibrational energies from Prime Creator. It is an important part of what Earth will have to offer the world when she restores herself to the Light of Oneness.

The Library is located in Hollow Earth. It is available for the edification of all beings of the Light, and is currently under the care of the Agarthans who have been the protectors of all that is of the Light within Planet Earth. They are descendants of the high priests of Lemuria who have maintained a high dimensional civilization, waiting for the time when they could finally reveal themselves to offer their help, in league with all the Star Brothers and Sisters who have come from other galaxies and even other Universes. They have come via the use of “wormholes” – portals in the time/space fabric of the Multiverse which allow space travel across millions of light years….
READ MORE: http://www.whoneedslight.net/page/484219582


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