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Ashtar: Help Prepare for Imminent Landings

Channeled by Dr. Kathryn May

May 16, 2014


 It is a wonderful party we’re planning on the ships. The Twin Flames are here, on the New Jerusalem and many other ships. We are an enormous fleet, housing billions of souls who have come to land with us as soon as we can safely put down to officially come forth together.

It will be a glorious celebration – one we wish to announce with much fanfare. There will be nothing secret or hidden about our Landings. It was agreed long ago that we will only come when we are certain everything is in place for a peaceful and joyous welcome.

It seems we are still a bit away from being able to accomplish that, since there are still a few cabal-controlled military and police forces which would take great pleasure in performing their primitive “safety” measures, which would include Martial Law, curfews, lock-downs and a show of military force. They treasure the idea of long lines of tanks rolling through the streets of suburban neighborhoods. It would take a massive, organized response on the ground to prevent great civil conflict, and we do not wish to ask all of you to lie down in front of tanks to make our Landings possible.

So, you see, we are planning and strategizing carefully, watching the developments on the ground carefully. We know that the numbers of people who believe there is extraterrestrial life has reached close to 100%. Those who are aware of our presence here now is around 65%, and those who are convinced we are friendly is over 50%. These numbers must rise to close to 100% before we can comfortably land.

The U.S. is one of the places where the numbers are lowest, because of an incessant media campaign to portray “aliens” as dangerous and sinister. Most of you reading this are aware that the “alien abductions” were in fact conducted by the secret government on the ground, mostly on U.S. territory with U.S. funding. The technology to manufacture space ships was shared by us or reverse engineered from our ships that crashed in the early 40’s. We offered assistance, before nuclear weapons were fully developed, in an effort to help “leapfrog” over the 75 years you have now experienced in which fossil fuels and nuclear weapons testing have nearly destroyed Mother Earth.

As you know, that initial program in which we offered assistance in some very preliminary ways was misused almost immediately to establish the secret programs which were overseen by the powerful and wealthy cabal, which has tried to establish a New World Order by absolutely controlling all resources, including food, energy, water and healthcare. Attempts to break free of the stranglehold have mostly failed because of the massive propaganda campaign which attacked those in the legitimate government who were trying to wrest back control. They have used everything from assassination (JFK, RFK, MLK, JFK, Jr., and Paul Wellstone in the U.S., to name a few) to slander, to outright obstructionism (as in the U.S. Congress since the Obama election).

The cabal has very cleverly managed to short-circuit every attempt by the Obama administration to return some power to the people by removing the power from the corporations and returning it to the elected government. Except for a small beginning with “Obamacare”, which was reviled because it was the first step in removing power from insurance companies, it has been completely unsuccessful.

READ MORE: http://www.whoneedslight.net/page/486191582




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