Home » Elizabeth Trutwin » The Event : Disclosure MAKE IT YOUR MISSION Elizabeth Trutwin May 27, 2014

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The Event : Disclosure MAKE IT YOUR MISSION

Elizabeth Trutwin May 27, 2014

 Galactic Roundtable - Countdown-to-Disclosure

 The Truth Embargo

Those in charge of keeping the Truth Embargo in place for the last 67 years include The U.S. Government in cooperation with many other Countries Governments, U.S. and World Intelligence Agencies, The U.S. Military in cooperation with other military forces, Private Contractors and Scientists willing to reverse engineer crashed Star Ships and provide the Secret Space Program with anything they need, for a cost. The worldwide media is also complicit in holding the Truth Embargo in place. When the internet was invented it made a place to circumvent these blockades as well as creating a new media run by We The People.

Imagine that the United States invented a separate Country which it could give humanitarian aid to, and that aid could be spent by the leaders in the other Country on anything they want. They could spend it on guns, drugs, nuclear weapons, building things which it sells to others for more profits to make more guns, an army, tanks, bombs, scud missiles, Secret Government, Space Programs. Imagine that the reason to invent a separate Country is to launder billions of dollars under the guise of humanitarian aid. Imagine that the powers at be invented this Country under the guise of a religious conflict and started fake wars based on religion. Can you just hear John Lennon singing now? Don’t you think he understood the Illusion we have put ourselves under?

We can end nuclear threat and admit to ourselves that our governments have deceived us on every level. The Cabal is locked into their own program and, even though it will fail, they can not let go of it. They are in the top levels of all the world agencies and control these decisions, but not for long.

READ MORE: http://galacticroundtable.net/2014/05/577/



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