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  “The Truth Embargo bases everything in fear. Look at the word UFO, Unidentified Flying Object. Every time a person encounters any new information regarding Extraterrestrials, they are reprogrammed again that we don’t know what these aerial vehicles are. We do know what they are and who is commanding them….”

“Extraterrestrials travel by the speed of magnetic light within a Zero Point atmosphere. A portion or faction within Humanity has had that technology in their hands for decades. The United States government, the President, theU.S. Military, the U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Private Contractors as well as their counter parts in many Countries have this knowledge. They all are motivated by greed to never tell the public that they fully well know who Admiral Sananda, Captain Ashtar and the trillions of Ships in the Galactic Federation are. They program the everyday man with notions about discovering new Planets which may support life, delivering fresh fruit to the ISS so their Astronauts won’t get rickets and locating yet another puddle of water on the surface of Mars. Indeed this faction has a fleet of International Space Stations which also travel by the speed of magnetic light, go into deep space, land and explore Planets like Ceres and Vesta and bring back payloads to these few who wish to control the many….”

“The Galactic Federation Ships cannot land on Earth to bring our technologies until Earth is a Planet of Peace. NESARA Law holds the provisions to do just this. Earth will return to Zero Point and no weapons can function within that vibration. Earth will instantly become a Planet of Peace as soon as the network of Zero Point technologies go to 100% function. Nuclear scientist, M.T. Keshe, has this role on Earth under my command….”   http://www.keshefoundation.org/

“Since Earth was created those from off Planet (Extra-Terrestrials) have visited Her. Currently there are fully functioning Galactic Federation Extraterrestrial Bases on Earth. ET lives under the Sea, inside Lakes, in Mountain portals and travel to Inner Earth through wormholes in the oceans and through the Poles. The programming of the dark Cabal of an ‘us vs. them’ mentality is the modis operandi of the Truth Embargo….”

“It is time now to join together as Galactic Citizens and do every thing within your power to bring these changes to Earth. The most important thing you can do is to pressure the Main Stream Media (MSM) to report on this issue. They are the greatest help to raising consciousness and spreading the Truth. Also the President, government and military witnesses need your support and forgiveness and compassion. Assist them in any way needed to bring the Truth through the channels of Congress. This will facilitate Full Galactic Disclosure. This is Key. MAKE IT YOUR MISSION! Salut.”

This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 28, 2014 © All Rights Reserved.

http://CosmicAscensionGuide.org, http://CosmicAscension.org.

http://ElizabethTrutwin.org, http://GalacticRoundTable.org,

http://AshtarandtheGalacticFederation.com, http://Garuda.co, http://NESARA.co

[Bold font by Nancy]



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