Home » Benjamin Fulford » BENJAMIN FULFORD’S JULY 14, 2014 REPORT

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“Benjamin Fulford is a freelance journalist based in Tokyo, Japan. He has published over 30 books, including best sellers, in Japanese. Before becoming freelance, his last corporate job was as the Asia Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine.”  (Veterans’ Today)

NOTE BY NANCY:  I am posting this report without waiting for David Wilcock’s comments because, according to my own reading over the years, I believe the majority–if not all–of this information is correct. It summarizes much of what has gone on behind the scenes and which mainstream media has NOT reported for years. This is the Dark Cabal (or Secret Government of the USA) in action.

Lest many continue to blame President Obama, I remind you of the 2014 secret Bilderburg Meeting in which it was stated that Obama was their #1 concern because he refuses to cooperate with their NWO plans. http://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2014/06/06/bilderburg-plots-new-world-order-agenda/

As you can see from reading this report, the cabal uses scapegoats to blame for their worldwide black ops. Obama, as president of the US, is most often their chosen scapegoat. It is for this reason that we need to be knowledgeable via the alternative media and support those who are truly working for the people. Americans, in particular, need to realize how “dumbed down” we are by the mainstream media and our public education system. We, therefore, need to be very diligent in our search for Truth.




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