Home » Christ Consciousness » THE GREATEST NEED OF THE HOUR – Patricia Cota-Robles

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by Patricia Cota-Robles

August 15, 2014



Each and every one of us has been preparing for this moment for lifetimes. This

is the time referred to, in one way or another, by every world religion. It is

known as “The time of screaming and the gnashing of teeth.” Do you have any doubt

about that? If so, just turn on the news and witness the atrocities Human Beings

are actually willing to inflict on other Human Beings. These horrific and

astonishing behavior patterns are being inflicted by the very basest level of

consciousness associated with Humanity’s fear-based human egos. This lowly aspect

of Humanity’s personality is the last vestige of our fall from Christ

Consciousness, and it is fighting tooth and nail to maintain the power it usurped

from us when we fell from Grace aeons ago.

This fragmented and fear-based aspect of our fallen consciousness does not

understand that it is being given the opportunity to Ascend into the Light, and

that it is being Loved into a higher order of Being. It thinks it is being

destroyed, and it is doing everything in its power to wreak havoc in the World so

that Humanity and the Earth will not be able to complete our Ascension into the

5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth. This is an entirely futile effort!

But that does not mean that Humanity’s fallen human egos cannot exacerbate the

negativity from the old Earth that is surfacing to be transmuted back into Light,

thus causing more pain and suffering than is necessary in this purging process.

This is where you and I and the millions of other people on the Planet, who are

awakening to the realization that WE ARE ONE and that there is no separation,

come into the picture. Our lifetimes worth of training, at both inner and outer

levels of consciousness, were not so that we would just wring our hands in

anguish and despair feeling horrified and helpless at what we are witnessing.

Quite the contrary.

Our training was preparing us for this very moment, so that in the face of the

most horrific atrocities and unfathomable pain and suffering, we would be able to

rise above the chaos and stay focused on the Light. Our intense preparation gave

each of us the strength, courage, skill, ability, and willingness to hold the

sacred space for Humanity’s RETURN TO CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.

It was not intended that we would hold the space for just awakening Lightworkers

to return to Christ Consciousness. The Divine Intent of our lifetimes worth of

training was that we would hold the sacred space for even our most destructive

and recalcitrant brothers and sisters in the Family of Humanity until they

awakened enough to return to Christ Consciousness through their own endeavors.

Remember, we are One. This means that we are ALL interconnected, interdependent,

and interrelated. What affects one of us affects ALL of us. We are in this

together. There is no such thing as “us and them.” If any of us are going to

RETURN TO CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS and complete our Ascension into the

5th-Dimensional Frequencies of Light associated with the New Earth, then every

man, woman, and child on Earth must do the same. IT IS ALL OF US OR NONE. But,

fortunately, due to the miracles that have taken place over the past few

years…NONE…is no longer an option. WE ARE ALL MOVING FORWARD IN THE LIGHT AND

THERE IS NO TURNING BACK. The only variable is how long this will take, and how

easy or difficult this process is going to be. And that, Precious Heart, is up to

you and me.

THE GREATEST NEED OF THE HOUR is for you and me to assist ourselves and our

sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity to RETURN TO CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.

This may seem like a monumental or maybe even an impossible endeavor, but that is

an illusion. The I AM Presence of every person on Earth is standing in readiness

awaiting the opportunity to complete Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness,

which is the next critical facet of the Divine Plan. Contrary to outer



To comprehend the full magnitude of what returning to Christ Consciousness will

mean for each of us individually, and all of us collectively, we must know that

Christ Consciousness is the enlightened state of consciousness we were invested

with by our Father-Mother God when we were first breathed forth from the core of

Creation. This level of consciousness empowered us with the ability to easily

communicate with our Father-Mother God, our I AM Presence, and the Beings of

Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth through open heart and mind telepathic

communication. In that state of consciousness, we realized the Oneness of ALL

Life. We perpetually functioned from the Heart-centered space of Reverence for

Life with the Divine Intent of cocreating the highest good for all concerned with

every thought, feeling, word, and action we expressed.

After our “fall” from Grace, we descended into such discordant frequencies of

separation and duality that we lost Christ Consciousness, and the ability to

communicate with the Realms of Truth. For aeons of time our human egos

manipulated us into believing that the physical plane is all that exists and that

our physical body is all that we are. But now, due to unprecedented activities of

Light that have taken place over the past few decades, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED.

The masses of Humanity have reached a critical mass that is allowing every

person’s I AM Presence access to his or her mental and emotional bodies in ways

we have not experienced since the fall. This Divine Intervention has cleared the

way for every person on Earth to RETURN TO CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS with far greater

In response to this wondrous opportunity, the Company of Heaven has revealed

life-transforming and vitally important information that will bring a level of

clarity beyond anything we previously understood about how we lost Christ

Consciousness and what the process is NOW for our return to Christ Consciousness.

These selfless Messengers of God have also taught us incredibly powerful

processes that will help each and every one of us RETURN TO CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.

The Beings of Light have also clearly demonstrated how we can assist ALL of our

sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity to do the same.

In order to make this vitally important information and the powerful processes

that will accelerate Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness accessible to

anyone who is interested, we have produced a set of two CDs or two MP3 downloads

that you can order on our website www.eraofpeace.org

The Company of Heaven has encouraged us to make this extremely important

information available on CDs and MP3s at this time for the following reason. They

have explained that there is a great advantage when people around the World use

the same CDs or MP3s to implement the tools given to Humanity. When people use

the same CDs or MP3s to invoke the visualizations, meditations, affirmations, and

decrees given to us by the Company of Heaven, a thoughtform is created that

builds in momentum day after day because the invocations are being made in

exactly the same way every time the CDs or MP3s are played. Every time anyone on

the Planet listens to the CDs or MP3s and uses the tools and processes, the

thoughtform expands exponentially. In addition to that phenomenon, the Company of

Heaven has been granted a Cosmic Dispensation by our Father-Mother God that

allows them to amplify our endeavors a thousand times a thousandfold on a daily

basis during this unprecedented Cosmic Moment on Earth. This will accelerate

Humanity’s efforts to RETURN TO CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS in miraculous ways.

MP3s   –   Here is the link if you would like to order the set of two MP3s


by Patricia Cota-Robles


(If this link does not work please copy and paste it in your browser)


CDs –   Here is the link if you would like to order the set of two physical CDs


by Patricia Cota-Robles


(If this link does not work please copy and paste it in your browser)


Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

  1. eraofpeace.org

FAX: 520-751-2981, Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

PO Box 41883,

Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any

medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper

credit line is included. Thank You.

©2014 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles



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