Home » Jim Fetzer » US losing the rule of law, DEA abuses and the criminalization of medicine by Jim Fetzer – October 17, 2014

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US losing the rule of law, DEA abuses and the criminalization of medicine

 by Jim Fetzer – October 17, 2014

“[P]olice departments and drug task forces across the country are benefiting from laws that allow them to take cash and property without proving a crime has occurred. The law was meant to decimate drug organizations, but it has been used as a routine source of funding for law enforcement at every level”–The Washington Post

The United States has fallen to 12th place (tied with the UK) with regard to economic freedom, a staggering drop from 2000, when it ranked 2nd in the world….


In an extremely disturbing development, The Washington Post (11 October 2014) has reported, “police departments and drug task forces across the country are benefiting from laws that allow them to take cash and property without proving a crime has occurred”, where the targets have to take on the government to retrieve their assets….”

 …Laws that were meant to decimate drug organizations are now being used as a routine source of funding for law enforcement at every level. They allow police units and FDA agents to seize cash and property without proving that any crime has actually occurred. The victims are being required to prove that they legally possess their own assets, which turns the United States Constitution on its head. Instead of protecting American citizens from the deprivation of life, liberty or property without due process, the law is being used to deprive them of their assets by force. A more stunning indication of that the US is now a police state would be difficult to imagine.

 READ MORE: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/10/17/us-losing-rule-of-law-dea-abuses-and-the-criminalization-of-medicine/






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