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Cosmic Perspective on the Defeat of the Cabal

David Wilcock – October 27, 2014

David Wilcock


There is an international alliance taking down the so-called Illuminati power structure — and it is also collapsing from within its own member ranks.

Messages forecasting high-level Cabal arrests have finally made their way into major motion pictures.

The epic finale hasn’t happened yet — but there is so much new information pointing in that direction, day after day, that we have been overwhelmed by it.

It appears that there are 12 to 25 times more “truth journalism” articles being written on a daily basis now than there were even four months ago.

So many things are happening, all at the same time, that it is impossible to keep up with it — or even hope to write about all of it.

For right now, there are some very significant stories that seem to demand attention first.

As you are about to see, messages forecasting high-level Cabal arrests have finally made their way into major motion pictures.”

READ ARTICLE:  http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1170-cabal-defeat


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