Home » Christmas 2014 » Merry Christmas Blessings a Message from Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin December 25, 2014

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Merry Christmas Blessings a Message from Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin December 25, 2014


 Jesus meditating

Greetings from Ten Forward on the New Jerusalem, this is Sananda. Today Earth is flooded with the highest vibrational frequency it has ever known. There have been ongoing activations all over Earth; terraforming of the land, setting of new timelines, upgrading the Earth Grid, wakening ancient giant crystals within Earth’s core, moving power centers and simply preparing Earth to vibrate at Zero Point. Preparations are ongoing for the event called Disclosure.

The Divine Plan for Earth is unfolding. You have played no small part. I invite you to an opportunity of a lifetime today. The opportunity to awaken and explore every experience on Earth in the vibration of love. Love. Yes, love. That is the purpose of existing in the Christ Consciousness state of mind. You may be visiting family you do not often see and you may be feeling strong reactivity to their ideas about you or maybe your world view. You may be wondering: How can I be love in action? I am wake and aware and I don’t want to ‘mess this up.’ I want to know my mastery. So how do I bring this strong emotion into balance? How do I stop feeling abandoned, as if I am not good enough, wanting to always be right and all the other thoughts racing through my mind?

A brand new beginning reveals a deeper journey. Embark on a new Path. The Path of pure Love. That is the fulfillment of the Divine Plan. Enlightenment prepares you for the Divine Plan. It is not THE Divine Plan, it prepares you FOR the Divine Plan.

Enlightenment, or your Ascension in this body are not automatic. There are steps each One must take to obtain Enlightenment. Once you have obtained Enlightenment you have prepared yourself to participate in the Divine Plan. As you hear the clarion call today to change your lifestyle from suffering to bliss you make a true commitment to yourself to be of actual help on New Earth. Until you reach Enlightenment you will be adding to the dead weight rather than lifting the energies of the Planet. That sounds like a harsh accusation, though it is true. Everything prior to Enlightenment is rushing toward death. Everything after Enlightenment is immortality. Angelic. Galactic. Enlightenment means unraveling all confusion and freeing all hearts.

I wish to inspire you today to redeem your heart which has waited so long for this day to come. Christmas 2014. The preparations are complete and you are moving into a new phase of this operation in changeover. It will be extremely beneficial when you are actively working on your inner life as this transformation takes place.

Fear, abandonment, jealousy, anger, distraction are all elements of confusion and suffering. They are self imposed from your ego mind. When you say ‘I don’t want’…..’I don’t want’…..whatever it is, your ego mind is speaking. It is not you. The inner work is to have discipline enough to not allow the ego mind to speak. Not as your inner chatter and certainly NOT out loud to others. This is no easy task. There are secrets to obtaining this Enlightenment. Do you see? As New Earth emerges those still caught in ‘little mind’ are not helpful at all? What good is it to have the Event and still be stuck in suffering? There is a dispensation now to help you speed up your own individual Enlightenment. As you embark on this Path you are supported in every way possible. Your Guides and Guardian Angels will present the circumstances required to walk you through the task. Each One MUST do it on their own. You MUST take the steps to cross the ocean.

Offer Love to all worldly phenomena. That’s it. Write it down. It’s that simple. When you experience fear of not having enough and the apparent consequences then you will LOVE the fear. Send it LOVE. When you feel jealous of others actives, relationships or things you will send jealousy your LOVE. In doing this you become The Watcher over your own consciousness. By doing this you are repeatedly telling your Self: I love you. Love heals all things.

When Jesus was born in the cave where the animals were kept, he and Mary and Joseph were embarking on a lifetime of being pure Love to Humanity. In that example it is time for your second birth into Love. The second coming happens within Your Soul. We birth this together today in the tremendous bright light of Christ Consciousness. We once and for all put aside all suffering and become reborn in Love truly understanding how to dissolve our ego and be Love in Action as a permanent new state of consciousness. Christ Consciousness. I Sananda Jesus was born in a body to my Mother, Mary, Queen of the Angels, whose Twin Flame is Archangel Raphael and they represent the Master Healers. My Father on Earth was Joseph who is also known as St. Germain. He represents the Violet Flame of Transmutation and is the embodiment of Divine Feminine. I Jesus Sananda represent conquering the heart and returning to love. Healing. Transmutation. Love. The triad to bring Humanity into the 5th Dimension and back to Zero Point.

As we together endeavor returning to the Enlightenment Path it brings into the physical all the changes we have anticipated and worked towards. Serving Humanity is and always will be The Divine Plan. You are finally able to be real service when you master all relationships functioning in every interaction from Love. As you are a prisoner to egoic thoughts it is impossible to sustain a world service. In that vibration you can not be a help. You are yourself rendered helpless. You are fighting, arguing, depressed, emotional, angry. You can not get a thing done. We cannot trust New Earth to those still in the suffering. Find out what steps are necessary to dissolve ego. Find out what is required to become Enlightened. Dedicate your life to making necessary changes to move to this new state of consciousness. Remove all the old patterns which distract you from offering love to all worldly phenomena. Open your heart to accepting your role in a Galactic Civilization. Offer love to extraterrestrial phenomena. Become aware of the evolution constantly happening on an individual, planetary, galactic, universal and cosmic level. Free your mind and expand your heart to accept a bigger vision of who you really are.

Realize the supreme light within all things. Realize the supreme light within you. For everything that comes up in your worldly mundane life, listen to it. Offer it love. Move on. Be Peace. Prepare to don your mantel of Enlightenment. This is when you will be approached to your next Mission. Not before. The transition to New Earth will be much, much easier for those receiving and enacting this invitation today. Do not give in to societies pressures on you. Do not give in to fear. You are a Divine Being and you have the power to transmute all things when you have mastered relationships and have love as your Source of Power. You are NEVER alone. Call on me as you walk the Path of Enlightenment. I am here, always. I am dedicated to helping you Make It Across the Ocean. I am dedicated to The Event and all the abundance which is near at hand, I assure you. Namaste! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 25, 2014 © All Rights Reserved. http://CosmicAscension.org An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at eltrutwin@gmail.com It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit: http://cosmicascension.org/private-session/

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