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You were told this week that Lucifer was portrayed by Archangel Gabriel. This does not mean that Gabriel “fell” or turned dark. He portrayed Lucifer, the Dark One, in order to infiltrate the dark forces. The idea of “fallen angel” was his cover story to allow him entrance to the inner workings of Archon (4th dimensional) darkness. They saw him as their leader, Satan, even though he was simultaneously carrying out undercover operations for the Great One. Given the current misunderstandings, Gabriel would be sent to the guillotine or the death chair for crimes against humanity, when in fact he was your greatest “asset.” The same could be said for Barack Obama.”

Sanat Kumara and Sananda: The Cabal Leaves, and BEWARE Who You Blame For Earth’s Tribulations!

Channeled by Dr. Kathryn E. May

February 9, 2015


“I am contacting you from my position as participant observer in the affairs of Planet Earth. I am at an Inner Earth meeting of the Intergalactic Council of One. It is a large gathering of representatives from all the cosmos who are intimately involved in the preparations for the final removal of the cabal from Planet Earth. This solemn ceremony will occur on Wednesday evening at 8 EST, at which time all remaining dark cabal forces will be removed from the planet to be rehabilitated or dissolved, as they choose.

Sananda is speaking. He is appealing for a carefully coordinated effort from all parts of the Universe Nebadon (yours) to orchestrate the follow-up actions once the removal of the cabal is complete. We do not want a repeat of what happened following the removal of the Reptilians, when so many dark minions stepped up to take their places, in spades.

We have set a limit on the overall Light/Dark quotient which will be permitted within each individual before they are automatically removed from life on Planet Earth. However, should many more humans turn away from the Light to take the place of the departing dark ones, it would create havoc, and set us back many years, even if they did not become as murderous and vicious as the departing souls. Should they rise to new levels of darkness, as their predecessors did, they will be immediately removed. This edict from Source will remain in place forever.

It is a crucial time in the development of the New Golden Age. It is intended to bring prosperity to all, relief from oppression, and the comfort of knowing all are safe to live their lives in peace. We cannot allow a proliferation of petty criminals and playground bullies to counteract the marvelous events we have in store for all of you.”

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