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James Gilliland Update: Unity Consciousness Is Hitting Its Mark Like Never Before

james gilliland

 “It is going to be a wild ride between now and 2016. These are just a few

tools and understandings to help along the way. Buckle up.”

 Planetary Update

Due to the demands of the ranch and much needed upgrades and repairs I have been away from the computer. Please be patient; we are doing all we can to catch up. Until then, here is a short newsletter.

Many are feeling the intense energies coming in as of late. Few are adjusting to these energies well—exhibiting emotional outbursts, totally irrational behavior and body symptoms due to the influx of these energies. The source of these energies is multifold. The eclipse and planetary alignments is part of this; yet, these natural cycles are used and often amplified by the higher dimensional beings.

Many lightworkers are being used as transmitters of this higher consciousness and energy. This is often felt as tingling in the crown chakra as the energies come in, which need to be transmitted through the heart. If you are experiencing headaches, nausea, dizziness and imbalance, heart palpitations, electrical discharges from the hands (shocks), etc.. this can be side affects to these energies. It is important to send these energies out; become like a hollow bone allowing these energies to clear out anything within self and let love flow out to others to help them in their healing process.

There will be many who will demand you be a part of their drama and refuse to take responsibility for what is unfolding in their lives. In this case boundaries are often necessary for self-preservation and also to teach by example. It may take all the energies we can muster to get through our own process let alone getting entangled with others.

There are basic universal understandings that hold true in each situation. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools we can use at this time as well as setting boundaries where necessary. When setting boundaries it is important to ask self, with brutal honesty: Who is setting the boundaries? Is it a wounded ego?

Only the ego needs defending and in God/Creator/Great Spirits eyes there is no need for defense. There is however the constant war within self externalized. A wise Lama once said all the problems within self come from be-lie-ving there is a self—A self that is separate.

The Mayan 9th wave often referred to as Unity Consciousness is hitting its mark like never before. Disunity and actions that are not in the highest and best good of humanity and the earth, actions based on me instead of we are coming home to roost.

We can blame, project, avoid taking responsibility, the mind will give you a thousand reasons to transfer the manifestations in the outer world to someone else or some other thing as being the reason for our unhappiness and predicament. The only way out is by surrendering to the God within, surrender the ego’s need to defend, and forgive self and others for the manifestations [that are] “Our Teachers” we have drawn to us to assist us in our healing and awakening. We need to gain the wisdom from experience and allow it to settle in the soul as wisdom so we do not repeat the process.

It is going to be a wild ride between now and 2016. These are just a few tools and understandings to help along the way.

Buckle up!

James Gilliland



[Spacing and editing by Nancy]


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