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Nancy, with Twin Flame, Uriel

right choice

 As I skimmed the article by Veterans Today’s Dr. Preston James, an encounter I had with a young male policeman in 2011 popped into my mind. I tell the story near the end of this article, “A Twin Flame Story” – https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2011/04/22/a-twin-flame-story-2/. However, I did not report the entire conversation I had with the policeman.

This young policeman had me pull over because it appeared I had not gotten my 2011 car registration sticker. The Dept. of Motor Vehicles sent out bills for the 2011 registration in September 2010.  I paid the bill and forgot about it.

When the policeman told me I had not registered my car for 2011, I was shocked. Without thinking—and because I knew no better—I opened the car door and got out to check for myself. Turns out my automatic response could have been mis-interpreted by the policeman as a potential attack on him.

I knew from working with the NESARA TAKE ACTION groups that American police had been trained to react in a manner more like military offensive behavior and that the elderly were not exempted from this action. Had the policeman responded as he had been trained, I could have been thrown to the ground for getting out of my car without being commanded to do so. Instead, he simply stepped backward.

He threatened me with a ticket that would require me to go to court and settle. He listened to my explanation—that I had paid the bill, but obviously had not received the registration sticker. However, before allowing me to drive straight to the Dept. of Motor Vehicles and get a sticker, he told me: “You are lucky I am the one who stopped you because most policemen would be much tougher on you than I am being. I will be checking on you via my computer to be sure you get that sticker immediately.” As it turned out, I learned at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles that he could have simply go to his car computer and ascertained by explanation.

The rest of the story is in my article. I report the above in order to say that during this present transitional period (and it has lasted for years), knowledge is actually a means of protection and a means of Amercan citizens supporting only those political leaders who are working for the people. We frequently receive e-mails requesting we sign a petition. A late 2014 example is a petition to refund Homeland Security. Without knowledge of the real nefarious purpose in establishing Homeland Security, American citizens very likely signed the petition thinking Homeland Security was established to protect America and its citizens.

We may make innocent mistakes because we lack knowledge, but those mistakes can serve to render life more difficult for Americans. It is for this reason that I post Dr. James’ article and encourage you to skim it and glean the knowledge we all need in order to make decisions that will truly benefit all Americans.

 It does more harm than good to respond with “I don’t get involved with politics; it is too corrupt.” To do so depletes the number of American citizens who would act for the good of the whole and accomplishes the exact scenario desired by those who are seeking to enslave us via our lack of knowledge.

It’s now 2015 and the difficult battle between the Light & the Dark is almost over. However, those of us who desire to see the Golden Age of World Peace, Love, and Abundance for All emerge must be aware of what is truly happening or we stand to unknowingly support those who serve only themselves.

As major changes become public, Americans need the knowledge of how our world got in the sad shape it is in … or, we may end up fighting against the very changes that will grant us true freedom.

An excellent example of this misguided support relates to Israel. Millions of Christians and Jews have been taught that the Bible is the absolute Word of God and not one word is to be changed. Because the majority have no knowledge of biblical history, many accept this teaching of biblical inerrancy. It is for this reason that many Americans hold firm to the biblical teaching that Israel is the Promised Land and the Jews are the Chosen People. To believe in this way sets up a scenario in which learning the truth as revealed in Dr. James’ article can create dismay for many—their belief system is directly threatened and many may feel that to support actions that are not in accordance with the belief that Israel is the Promised Land is to go against the teaching of the inerrant Word of God—the Bible. Lack of knowledge for these sincere people places them in a situation where they may feel they are disobeying God, with all the fearful repercussions that may hold for them.

With this in mind, I encourage all to SKIM this complete series of articles in order to begin to gain insights as to the truth unfolding in our world. I encourage all of us to accept this truth as just that—the truth regarding how our planet came to be so filled with darkness.

Universal Laws will see that justice is served. Meanwhile we, as American citizens, can respond by enfolding our planet and all on it with the healing energies of LOVE. We can also respond to the truth being revealed by supporting those leaders who are working in ways that benefit ALL.

 Why are American Police murdering so many unarmed Civilians and getting away with it?

Preston James, Ph.D.





Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7 Manik, 0 Zip, 1 Ik – September 5, 2017
Awakening of Friendship with the Star Beings by Master Kuthumi – channeled through through Natalie Glasson 1st September 2017
Q&A with Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society August 29, 2017
When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 9 Cib, 14 Uo, 1 Ik – August 29, 2017
