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Mother’s Mini-Message #5:

We Are The Great Central Sun

Dr. Kathryn May

June 7, 2015

Beloved Lightbearers, our own darling children.

Today I will tell you one of Father’s favorite things to say to our dearest children of Earth, especially whenever you come to us seeking relief from the conditions of the often trying circumstances of your lives.

Father says…

“When you don’t have cake, eat bread.
When you don’t have bread, drink water.
When you don’t have water, sit in Peace and meditate.”

Father’s words are encoded with uplifting frequencies of Light and Love to help you perceive and embody the profound and caring meanings embedded in what he says.  What we say to you is always a transmission of energies perceivable on many different levels.

To gain the most from what we say to you, it is best to just relax and choose to let us in… we will always come.  We will soothe, elevate, inspire, reflect and Love you, in order to support your valiant efforts towards being loving and for your Ascension preparations.

Father is encouraging you to be flexible.  See things as they are.  Let go of rigid beliefs and binding expectations.  If you dare to fully follow Father’s words in body and spirit, you will have instant, deep and lasting Peace.  He shows you the doorway to Prosperity.  Father shows you how to run free in the breeze through the meadow by the sea – no matter what is going on around you.

Your Father and I offer you this ease in many ways now.  It is up to you to embrace what we offer, so you may come fully into the time of laughter and grace.  This grace is the fulfillment of all you have experienced and learned.  As we have been showing you so often in recent days, the portal from the old and decaying Matrix to the threshold of your New Earth is your willingness to see and release the dark and damaging programming which has kept you upside down and inside out.

Walk outside and turn your face into the sunshine.  Invite the rays of The Great Central Sun to flood your body and warm your heart.  Your Father and I are the Light of the Great Central Sun.    Let in the sunny rays which are comprised of uplifting codes, DNA upgrades and restorative love.

Bask in our warmth.

Be flexible, patient, kind and ready.

Your Father and I love you so dearly.

I am your Mother.
Through Christine Burk and Kathryn E. May, June 7, 2015
DNA Upgrade from Mother and Father – Saturday, June 6, 2015 Blogtalk Radio Program:  Mother and Father’s DNA Activation for Peace

Michael’s encoded message:
http://www.whoneedslight.org/cm-english/2015/5/31/you-are-cherished-beloved-safe-and-called-to-unite )

These Mini Messages from Mother will be found in writing on our website, www.whoneedslight.org and on our YouTube channel in audio form by Kathryn:


© Kathryn E. May, PsyD.  Permission is given to copy and share these messages, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org

Copyright © Kathryn E. May, High Falls, New York

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Permission is granted to share or copy these messages, providing no additions or alterations are done, and credit is given to the channel and the website, www.whoneedslight.org. ©


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