A very touching Shadow Dance!

It's only fair to share...A VERY TOUCHING SHADOW DANCE! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=CvQBUccxBr4] LET THERE BE PEACE ON EARTH AND LET IT BEGIN WITH ME … AND YOU … ANY YOU!
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Matthew Ward – March 25, 2015

It's only fair to share...NOTE BY NANCY: Matthew—who left his most recent physical incarnation at age 17—speaks thru his earthly mother, Suzy Ward, regarding the most important questions with which humanity is faced today. He speaks, as a very old Soul, from higher dimensions where...
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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7 Manik, 0 Zip, 1 Ik – September 5, 2017
Awakening of Friendship with the Star Beings by Master Kuthumi – channeled through through Natalie Glasson 1st September 2017
Q&A with Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society August 29, 2017
When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 9 Cib, 14 Uo, 1 Ik – August 29, 2017
