What Will I Give Up for Lent? Let's Agree to ……..!

It's only fair to share...What Will I Give Up for Lent?  Let’s Agree to ……..! Jesus is quoting Psalm 82:6 … “I say, ‘You are gods, children of the Most High, all of you.”  (Even those preparing to kill me …in Jesus’ words–all of you.”...
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It's only fair to share...WHO AM I?  WHO ARE WE? Gregg Braden’s Video Series – 2017 NOTE BY NANCY:  Jesus taught us, “Amen, amen, I say to you, That whosoever believeth in me, these works that I do shall he do also; and more than...
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Carbon-Based to Crystalline-Based Bodies. Loren and Diane Mickelson (Drs. Mick)

It's only fair to share...Carbon-Based to Crystalline-Based Bodies. Loren and Diane Mickelson (Drs. Mick) http://drsmick.com/carbon-based-to-crystalline-based-body/ Just what does it mean to change from a carbon based body to a silicon/crystalline based body structure to support the higher vibrational frequencies?  Silicon/crystalline is located directly beneath Carbon...
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I'm Afraid of Trump—The Work of Byron Katie Video

It's only fair to share...I’m Afraid of Trump—The Work of Byron Katie Video Note by Nancy:    I consider this video superb in the way Byron Katie helps us understand how our fears and giving them emotional power creates our world. Jesus taught:  “You can...
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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7 Manik, 0 Zip, 1 Ik – September 5, 2017
Awakening of Friendship with the Star Beings by Master Kuthumi – channeled through through Natalie Glasson 1st September 2017
Q&A with Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society August 29, 2017
When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 9 Cib, 14 Uo, 1 Ik – August 29, 2017
