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Mike Quinsey's Messages

SaLuSa 04-August-2008

You are in a period that offers much for those that are mentally linking with the incoming energies. There are more opportunities than normal as the amount of Light being sent to Earth is dramatically increasing the Light quotient. It is lifting up and moving towards the changes that are necessary for it's cleansing. In fact it has already commenced, and soon the need for more physical movements will arise with the consequent inconvenience and unavoidable changes in occupied areas. Our part in this will be to monitor them and direct the energies along a course that results in the least amount of disruption. We will also keep away the dark forces from interfering and using "natural" changes for their own ends. What is happening is far from unusual, but it will intensify as the preparations for your Ascension are speeding up.

Everywhere you look changes are taking place, and most are related to the breakdown of the structure and fabric of your old society and its outworn beliefs. It is a time of much confusion as you can see the break up occurring, but not so easily the new paradigm that is replacing it. Nevertheless, it is shaping up and is ready to bring the multitude of necessary changes into being very soon. We have in fact been prepared for our part in the proceedings for many years, and speed and efficiency will be our main objective. The task may sound too formidable by Earth standards, but know that we have unlimited resources that we can call upon within the Galactic Federation. We have never been more ready than now, and our allies have set up the new ways of working that shall re-define your handling and use of money. It only awaits the changes in the government, and removal of those in power who maintain the old system.

What is so heartening is the extent to which people are now awakening to the truth, of how they have been used and abused for the benefit of the Illuminati and their minions. Knowledge is a powerful tool to galvanise people into action, and we see a great energy for change increasing day by day. Some hesitate and fear the result of changes, but come they will as the old set up must be broken down and re-built in line with your needs and entitlement. For too long your rights have been eroded, and removed by stealth and false events to create such opportunities. They are aware of the process of Ascension, and would deny you that chance to evolve if they could. At one level the battle between the dark and Light is for your souls, and the dark would have held you prisoner and as slaves to their desires for global control. Do not fear however as the Light has won that battle, and now it remains only to remove the last cabal so that your freedom can be fully restored.

You are hearing so much from many different sources, and some will conflict with the view of others. Allow for the different interpretations, and accept that there is more than one time line that leads to completion of this cycle. What is not negotiable and has been decreed, is that Ascension will be the final act that shall lift you up into the higher realms. You will also meet us your Space family, and that is a necessary coming together as we shall accompany you as you rise up and join your Cosmic brethren. Indeed, how could you become Cosmic Beings if you do not meet those who have gone before you? You have been gradually moved towards a change of consciousness for many years now, so as to lessen what would undoubtedly be a great shock to your system if the truth of our existence was forced upon you. The dark forces have consistently covered up our presence through their UFO cover-up, but it no longer fools people who know better.

The fact that your movement into the higher dimensions has taken so long, is because the grand design for your upliftment desires that as many souls as possible are given a chance to move into the Light. However, as you often say, "time waits for no man" and that has now become a reality, as there are only a few years left in which to complete the tasks we have been given. There are now deadlines which cannot be exceeded except by divine intervention, and as many of you have become intuitively aware they now loom large. Never forget that Ascension is an event of universal proportions, and therefore not simply confined to Earth. Understanding the magnitude of the changes that are occurring is beyond you at present, and also the great Beings of Light hold your future in their hands. Suffice to say that you are no less important because of it, and our presence bears witness to it.

We sometimes wish that you had a waking knowledge of your interaction with us, as many of you visit our ships and stay with us. This usually takes place during your sleep period, when most of you leave your bodies if only to meet other souls in the region you call Nirvana. On awakening after such experiences you often have a fleeting memory of what has taken place, but it soon passes by and you have difficulty in identifying it. This is a normal memory function that "hides" such experiences, as you would otherwise be distracted from your daily responsibilities if you fully knew about them. However, because they are pleasant and reassuring, you often feel happy and fulfilled without knowing the reason why. It means that if you have met us, subconsciously you know that is has been a friendly and satisfying experience. Forget the so-called "abductions" as these are not associated with any member of the Galactic Federation, and are the work of the Grey's.

Over the last half-century, we have consistently been seen in your skies and in some cases landed upon your Earth. Contacts have been made and it has balanced your beliefs about us, as your writers and filmmakers have previously delighted in depicting us as fearful Beings out to capture you or destroy Earth. All of your experiences of Space Beings formulates your "feeling" about us, and we have taken great care to show ourselves as your friends. We are aware that there is a large following of people that would be really happy to see us openly land upon Earth, and that event known as First Event is not too far away.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and privileged to be part of the contact team, and there are many of us throughout your world involved in this task. We come in love as you true brothers and sisters, and have a genuine desire for you to join us in our future adventures throughout the Cosmos.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Caudles of Anson County, NC

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