Chapel on the Bridge
A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Biblical Book ofJob
Nancy B. Detweiler
The natal chart house cusp on which Sagittarius is located points out the areas of life in which you are likely to experience the suffering that leads to discipleship. Sagittarius on the cusp reminds you that these areas have been restricted in prior lifetimes. Now, it is time to review your attitudes and to expand your knowledge concerning them. Lessons remain in our lives only as long as it takes us to learn them. Making the intentional choice to evaluate and expand your knowledge of these areas allows you to embark consciously on the Path of Discipleship. Sleepwalking through life necessitates being awakened by suffering.
PLEASE NOTE: In most instances, Sagittarius will appear on only one house cusp. However, it is possible to have Sagittarius on two house cusps. If this is the case in your natal chart, study both houses.
Sagittarius on your 1st house cusp - indicates past life restriction in the expression of your authentic self. You can avoid a painful wake-up call by granting yourself the freedom to explore your interests and to expand knowledge of yourself as a unique human being. Sagittarius on your 1st house cusp proclaims the natural disciple. Embark consciously on a joyful path of discipleship, as opposed to one characterized by austerity and restrictive self-expression.
Sagittarius on your 2nd house cusp - reminds you of prior life restriction in the use of your talents and personal resources and the lack of adherence to a meaningful value system. You can avoid a painful wake-up call by purposefully developing your talents and viewing them as God's avenue of manifesting through you. A value system that grants priority to the sharing of your personal resources with others is in accordance with the universal law of giving and receiving. Use your talents on the path of discipleship.
Sagittarius on your 3rd house cusp - reveals past life restrictions relating to your education and the manner in which you related to others. You can avoid a painful wake-up call by enhancing your capacity to communicate constructively with others, especially in relationship to your extended family and siblings. Know that all who truly desire an education can get one, even when obstacles appear insurmountable. Your path of discipleship can be based on the knowledge that "all things are possible with God."
Sagittarius on your 4th house cusp - denotes past life restrictions concerning family relationships and the constructive development of a sound inner foundation of psychological and spiritual well-being. Because Sagittarius can be comfortable with traditional religious concepts, you may need to evaluate and expand your core belief system. A painful wake-up call can come in the form of family upheaval. A disciple will recognize that all family members agreed to incarnate together to assist each other in attaining specific goals determined by each of the souls involved.
Sagittarius on your 5th house cusp - reminds you of past life restriction in the expression of your creativity. Love relationships were restricted, likely as a result of failure to recognize the value of each human being as a unique entity. You may avoid a painful wake-up call by developing empathy and appreciation for others, especially children and those adults with whom you share a love relationship. The path of discipleship can involve learning to express your creativity without fear of rejection by others.
Sagittarius on your 6th house cusp - tells you of past life restriction in the areas of personal health and growth and within your work environment. You can avoid a painful wake-up call by adopting a lifestyle that includes good nutrition, adequate amounts of sleep, play, and physical exercise. The disciple recognizes the body as the Temple of God and gives it loving care. The path of discipleship involves developing positive thought patterns that affirm perfect health and work environment. Co-workers are recognized as companions on the path of spiritual evolution.
Sagittarius on your 7th house cusp - reveals past life restrictions within marital and partner relationships. Lack of respect for the feelings and opinions of the other were likely. You can avoid a painful wake-up call by learning the art of empathetic listening and open constructive communication. The path of discipleship can involve loving attentiveness to and appreciation for your mate. Walking the path of discipleship together will enhance your relationship and journey.
Sagittarius on your 8th house cusp - indicates prior lifetime restrictions in the ways you and your mate worked together in accomplishing mutual personal satisfaction and goals. You can avoid a painful wake-up call by honestly evaluating what each of you bring to the relationship and how the two of you can work and live together in a positive, uplifting manner. The 8th house can be a house of upheaval and painful change if you choose to sleepwalk through your relationships. Metaphysical studies and a search for life's deeper meanings can lead you onto the path of discipleship.
Sagittarius on your 9th house cusp - reminds you of past life restrictions in gaining a higher education and in opportunities to be exposed to a variety of places and people. You can avoid a painful wake-up call by deliberately seeking higher education, extensive travel, and the development of your intuitive mind. Sagittarius on your 9th house cusp signifies the natural teacher, writer, and minister. Your path of discipleship is to include inspired communication through a variety of avenues and with myriad people. The disciple approaches life with intuitive attunement to the higher planes of existence.
Sagittarius on your 10th house cusp - indicates prior life restrictions in relationship to your career and contact with the general public. These restrictions may have been self-inflicted by a lack of concern and appreciation for the opinions of others. You may avoid a painful wake-up call by following a career that involves a variety of experiences and communication with numerous persons. To stifle your love of adventure and independence is to create suffering for yourself. Following the path of discipleship in your career entails offering a means of enhancing the lives of others. Sagittarius on your 10th house cusp announces you are to be one who inspires others to greater heights.
Sagittarius on your 11th house cusp - reminds you of past life restrictions in your social contacts and visions for a better life. Your approach to life was likely pessimistic. You may avoid a painful wake-up call by attuning to Sagittarius' characteristic optimism and positive approach. Dare to dream and to take action, knowing that your dreams for a better life and world can be brought into physical plane manifestation. Know that as you strive to attain lofty goals, there are persons and social groups who will assist you. Sagittarius on your 11th house cusp can be very beneficial. Walk the path of discipleship as you work to brighten the world.
Sagittarius on your 12th house cusp - denotes prior life restrictions in your knowledge and understanding of self. There can be karmic debts that relate to lack of concern for and service to others. You may avoid a painful wake-up call through making a conscious effort to probe and bring into the light the negative energy within your subconscious mind . transmuting it . and then releasing it as pure energy. Your path of discipleship is to involve service to others in ways that inspire them to be all they can be. As a disciple, you possess the capacity to bring forth past life talents to use in service to others.