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Chapel on the Bridge


A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Biblical Book ofJob



Nancy B. Detweiler

You may use this Appendix as a means of studying your own astrological natal chart and thereby personalizing Job's spiritual journey. Remember Job represents Everyone. Your natal chart is the map for your Soul during this incarnation. As you read my interpretation of the Book of Job, I will suggest the appropriate time to read a particular Appendix. However, if you do not have access to your natal chart, you can still gain a great deal from Job's story.

In order to take advantage of the Appendix astrological information, you will need a computer print-out of your natal chart. There are numerous web sites on which you can have your natal chart computed, as well as astrologers within your local community who offer this service. Some metaphysical bookstores offer computer print-outs of your natal chart for a minimal price.

The following information is essential to have your natal chart computed:

1. The exact time of your birth, as listed on your birth certificate.

2. The month, day, and year of your birth.

3. The city, state, and country in which you were born.

NOTE: In order to correctly use the information found in this Appendix, you need to request that your natal chart be constructed according to the Placidian House System.

Once you have your natal chart, note that it is a circle divided into 12 houses. Some charts will have the house numbers near the center of the circle. Note the horizontal line running through the center of the circle, dividing it into half horizonally. The left portion of this line (running from the circle center to the left) is your 1st house cusp. Beginning at this 1st house (or line) and moving in a counter-clockwise direction, number the cusps 1 thru 12. If you are numbering correctly, the vertical line dividing the circle in half will be numbered as your 4th house cusp at the bottom and your 10th house cusp at the top. The 1st house cusp is also called your Ascendant.

Your natal chart print-out will have an astrological symbol at the external end of each house cusp. This symbol indicates the zodiac sign on the house cusp. For the purposes of this book, you need to locate the house cusps at the end of which the symbols for Leo, Taurus, and Sagittarius are located.

Make your own personal list:

Leo is on my _____________ house cusp.

Taurus is on my ___________ house cusp.

Sagittarius is on my _________ house cusp.

As you read my book, I indicate the appropriate times and Appendix number to which to turn in order to personalize Job's journey for yourself.


Inside some of the houses, you will see additional symbols, indicating the planets. For the purposes of this book, you need to locate the symbols for the Sun, Moon, and Saturn.

Each planet symbol will have with it one of the zodiac sign symbols, plus a set of numbers. Ignore the numbers for our purposes. Determine the zodiac sign symbol appearing with the symbol for the Sun and for the Moon.

Sun is in ________________________.

List the Zodiac Sign

Moon is in ______________________.

List the Zodiac Sign

As you read the book, I point out the appropriate time and Appendix Number to which to turn in order to personalize Job's journey by reading about your individual Sun and Moon signs.


Determine the house number in which Saturn appears in your natal chart.

Saturn is located in the _______ house of my natal chart.

At the appropriate time, I will point out the Appendix Number to which you can go and read the information regarding Saturn's position in your natal chart.


This completes the references in this book to your natal chart. However, because your natal chart is the map for your Soul, there is much more to be learned. I encourage you to continue your study of it by having an astrologer interpret it for you.