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Chapel on the Bridge


A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Biblical Book ofJob



Nancy B. Detweiler


Scripture Reading for this Lesson: Job 34-37

"The anointing that you received from Him abides in you, and so you do not need anyone to teach you. But as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as It [the Holy Spirit] has taught you, abide in Him."192 Once we awaken to the Holy Spirit, we no longer need an earth plane teacher. Elihu, signifying the Holy Spirit, now speaks with Job.

Job has undergone his 3rd Initiation. He has become a being of Light, with the capacity to communicate with Spirit. However, his journey is not over. Think back to Jesus' 3rd initiatory experience on the Mount of Transfiguration.193 The really tough work loomed before him.

Once we become a Light being,194 we begin our preparation for the crucifixion of our lower self. Gaining an understanding of our earth plane lives from the perspective of Spirit is one of the first steps. Elihu begins to teach Job concerning the true nature of God's relationship to humanity. Job has heretofore perceived God as punishing him unjustly. Elihu responds with, "far be it from God that he should do wickedness and far be it from Him that he should commit iniquity."195

Then Elihu explains that God is not against humanity. Instead, humanity is subject to the universal law that states: "For he compensates a man according to his works, and causes every person to be rewarded according to his ways. Truly, God does not commit iniquity, neither does God pervert justice." 196 In the words of the Apostle Paul, "Do not be deceived; God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap." 197

Earlier Zophar touched upon this universal law. "With the measure with which he had measured, he shall be recompensed." 198 But, Job was not yet ready to hear this explanation. Now, as he listens to Elihu, Job begins to realize that God cannot be against humanity. As Elihu states: "Who has control over the earth? Or who has made all the world? If he should turn his heart against man, man's spirit and his breath will be gathered to him. Then all flesh would perish together, and man would return again to dust." 199 Humanity could not survive if God turned against us.

Any negative events we experience are in fulfillment of the universal law: "Whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap." This universal law is absolute in nature. "For his eyes are upon all the ways of man, and he sees all his goings. There is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.. Therefore he knows them by their works." 200 Though Elihu refers to the all-seeing eye of the Almighty, he is describing the electromagnetic energy field in which all of creation lives. This electromagnetic field records all of humanity's goings; there is no where to hide in darkness. This creative energy field is neutral in its recording of all actions, thoughts, and emotions. And whatever we sow in this field, we also reap.201 As he listens to Elihu, Job perceives that he has spoken without knowledge and understanding. Life looks very different when viewed from the perspective of Spirit. God is not affected by our actions. "Look to the heavens, and observe the clouds which are higher than you. If you sin, what difference does it make to him? And if your iniquities be multiplied, what does it matter to him? If you are righteous, what do you give to him? Or what does he receive from your hand? Your wickedness is to yourself; and your righteousness is to yourself." 202

When we are suffering, we cry out, "Where are you, God?" And, often we hear no answer. But that does not mean our cries have gone unheeded. "And none says, 'Where is God my Maker, who gives counsel in the night.'" 203 God teaches us during our sleep; therefore, we are unaware that our cry has been answered. God's loving response comes when we are most receptive-in our sleep. "God does not hear the empty pride of evildoers, nor does he praise it." 204 Even though universal law requires that all of our actions be recorded in the book of life, "God does not punish with his anger; and he does not harm any soul." 205 We mistakenly blame God when we reap what we ourselves have sown.

The Holy Spirit reveals the universal laws to those who are willing to listen. But, we have the freewill capacity to choose whether or not we will abide by them. Those who choose to abide by earth plane laws, and ignore universal law, are registering this decision in the book of life. In so doing, we attempt to be all-powerful while failing to recognize a higher law. And, we suffer the effects of our arrogance. "Then he [meaning the universal law] shows them their works, and their transgressions because they have exceeded their power. He opens also their ears to discipline [the universal law allows us to suffer the consequences of our decisions], and commands that they return from iniquity. If they obey and serve him [obey universal law], they will spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasures. But if they do not obey [the universal law], they shall perish by destruction, and they shall perish without knowledge [of the universal law]." 206 Universal law must be obeyed or we perish because we have chosen to ignore the laws by which all of creation abides. We exceed our power when we think we can create laws that supersede universal law. We, then, reap what we have sown.

The meek, those who surrender to divine guidance, also reap what they sow. "But the meek shall be delivered through his meekness, and he opens the way in time of oppression." 207 Elihu offers encouragement to Job in words that seem to reflect one of our most comforting portions of Scripture, Psalm 23. "Even so he shall deliver you from the mouth of the mocker, and give you rest, instead of distress; and he shall prepare a table with rich food.. He will not threaten you with a raging anger, nor will he cause you to be in need of a great ransom. He shall join you, that he may deliver you.. Take heed, that you may not return to iniquity: because for this you were tried by poverty. Behold, God is mighty in power: who can teach like him" 208 Job realizes that his suffering is karmic-he has to reap what he has sown in order to move forward on the spiritual path. Job understands that God (or universal law) allows us to have the exact experiences we need in order to awaken to a higher consciousness. No human being can teach with this level of tailor-made perfection. "Behold, God is great, and we know him not, the number of his years is unsearchable." 209

Viewing life through the eyes of God transforms us. Our lives, and those of others, begin to make perfect sense as we perceive how intricately and magnificently all of creation is interwoven. "Under the whole of heaven the people shall praise him, and his light shines upon the ends of the earth.. God thunders with his voice; great and marvelous things does he, which we cannot understand.. He limits the power of every person, that all may know his works." 210

"Out of the inner chambers comes the whirlwind ..211 Job is awakening to the marvelous unfolding of divine order. From out of the whirlwind that is the serpent energy (or kundalini) rising from the inner chamber of the base chakra to the crown chakra, Job experiences enlightenment.212 The magnitude of God unfolds before his inner eye.213 "And if a man speaks, surely he shall be consumed. And now men cannot see the light which shines in the sky; but the wind passes and cleanses it. Golden gleams come out of the north [north symbolizes the innermost part of self]; and light shines from God. As for the Almighty, he is excellent in power and in justice; the Prince of the righteous will not afflict his people. Therefore men shall fear him, and all that are wise in heart shall tremble before him." 214

With his 3rd eye and crown chakras now open, Job is no longer imprisoned within his own spiritual blindness. He can behold the heavenly realms. He can hear God's voice. "Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said.." 215

In the next Lesson, we will accompany Job on his journey with God throughout the universe.



"The world is a garden,
The Lord its gardener,
Cherishing all, none neglected.


The holy Perceptor by the Word lighted a lamp;
Thereby was shattered darkness of the temple of the self,
And the unique chamber of jewels thrown open.
Wonderstruck were we in extreme on beholding it-
Its greatness beyond expression."

192 I John 2:27.

193 Matthew 17:1-8, Mark 9:2-8, & Luke 9:28-36.

194 A Light Being = those individuals who are functioning on the soul-centered level of consciousness.

195 Job 34:10.

196 Job 34:11-12.

197 Galatians 6:7.

198 Lob 20:22.

199 Job 34:13-15.

200 Job 34:21-22, 25.

201 Additional names for this energy field are the metaphysician's Akashic Records, the biblical book of life, and Carl Jung's collective consciousness.

202 Job 35:5-8.

203 Job 35:10.

204 Job 35:13.

205 Job 35:15.

206 Job 36:9-12.

207 Job 36:15.

208 Job 36:16, 18-19a, 21-22.

209 Job 36:26.

210 Job 37:3, 5, 7.

211 Job 37:9a.

212 Heline.  New Age  412-413.

213 Heline.  New Age  413.

214 Job 37:20b-24.

215 Job 38:1.

216 "Goodness and Love,"  World Scripture:  A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts, A Project of the International Religious Foundation (New York:  Paragon House, 1991)  90.

217 World Scripture  381.