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Chapel on the Bridge


A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Biblical Book ofJob



Nancy B. Detweiler


Scripture Reading for this Lesson: Job 42:11-17

Jesus taught: "Your father is pleased to give you the kingdom." 320 Job is now aware that the kingdom of God is synonymous with a higher level of consciousness.

Heretofore, Job felt separated from and powerless before a God that was hidden. This hidden God was unpredictable, prone to anger, and liable to strike human beings with all sorts of diseases and to deprive us of our basic needs. Formerly, Job knew only what he heard about God. Now that he could see and speak with Him, Job realized how incorrect his concept of God had been. Instead of striving to lift our consciousness to a higher plane, humanity anthropomorphizes God. The result is a God that must be feared because no one knows when we, like Job, will be walloped with "the thing that we greatly fear." 321

Like the prodigal son,322 Job's conscious awareness had resided in a country (or dimension) far from his Father's Kingdom. He had experienced loss of loved ones and property, the ravages of disease, and poverty. Now, Job has returned home to his Father's Kingdom. Like the prodigal son's family, Job's relatives and acquaintances gather to celebrate by the sharing of bread with him. As we saw in Lesson 15, the sharing of bread proclaims a momentous spiritual occasion. Every man gave Job an ewe (or female sheep) signifying the opportunity to re-create his world, and an earring of gold, revealing the opulent world of the Kingdom of God consciousness. Job's Father welcomes him home by bestowing upon him his inheritance as a Son of God.

"So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning; for he had fourteen thousand sheep and six thousand camels and a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand she-asses." 323 Job now has twice as many animals. In the ancient Middle East, a man's wealth was determined by the number of animals and servants he owned. Although Job's wealth has doubled, he no longer needs servants-Job has conquered his lower nature and is no longer enslaved by it. In the 1st lesson, we saw that Job's animals represented qualities within himself, such as the willingness to listen to Spirit, endurance, strength, creative powers, and self-sacrifice. Now, as a 5th degree Initiate, these qualities have greatly increased.

Once more, Job has seven sons and three daughters; however this time, things are different. When we first met Job, his three daughters had no names, meaning Job was not attuned to his feminine nature. Now, Job recognizes his feminine polarity by naming his daughters. Though his sons still outnumber his daughters, a balance between his masculine and feminine energies is indicated by the naming of his feminine qualities. No names are listed for his sons. Job embarked on his journey Home with well-developed masculine qualities, thus he had no need to name his sons. Through the initiatory process, Job has attained a state of androgyny. He is whole within himself. This state of wholeness is described through the names of his three daughters.

Job named his first daughter Jemina, a Hebrew name meaning "dove, purity." 324 With this name, Job reveals his Soul is purified: of fear that harm will come to his family and property, the need to argue with his friends (lower self) over God's treatment of him, and the urge to justify himself. Now, he can view life in a more peaceful, loving manner and receive his Good without fear of losing it.

His second daughter is Kezia, a Hebrew name meaning "stripped off, discrimination, decisive." 325 Now, Job's purified and heightened awareness can better discriminate Truth from non-truth; he can be decisive in stripping out error thoughts and replacing them with Truth. With the qualities of Kezia, Job is enabled to open his mind to a steady stream of Light. He is enlightened.

His third daughter is Keren-happuch, a Hebrew name meaning "horn of beauty, prismatic radiations." 326 The horn, although used in battle, was also a symbol of power, exaltation, and authority. According to Fillmore, a horn of beauty signifies the "exalting power of beauty."327 Job has achieved the exalted spiritual beauty of a 5th degree Initiate. The Master, or 5th degree Initiate, radiates beauty like a prism radiates the colors of the rainbow. There is power in this beauty: the power to heal, the power to instill tranquility, and the power to exude the Christ Consciousness that All are One.

"And in all the land were found no women as beautiful as the daughters of Job; and their father gave them an inheritance among their brothers." 328 The beauty of a 5th degree Initiate is unsurpassed. Physical plane laws are superseded by spiritual knowledge and law. In the biblical book of Numbers, we have the story of the daughters of Zelophehad asking Moses to create a law that allows daughters to receive an inheritance from their father. "Moses brought their cause before the Lord. And the Lord said to Moses, 'The daughters of Zelophehad speak right, you shall surely give them a possession of an inheritance among their father's brothers; and you shall cause the inheritance of their father to pass to them. And you shall say to the children of Israel, if a man dies and has no son, than you shall cause his inheritance to pass to his

daughter.'" 329 Thus, Israelite law permitted daughters to receive an inheritance only when there were no brothers to receive it. A major reason for not wanting daughters to inherit from their fathers was in order to keep the family money within the family. Daughters would marry into another family and take the money with them.

A 5th degree Initiate recognizes the universal abundance available to all of us. He also knows the law of reciprocity: The more we give, the more we receive. Job was comfortable in giving his daughters an inheritance because he knew the world of Spirit knows no lack. It is impossible to give his money away and not receive more in return.


A 5th degree Initiate pays equal credence to both the masculine and feminine energies within self. Job's daughters represent the feminine within him. By granting both his daughters and sons an inheritance, Job is demonstrating the state of androgyny he has achieved. Without the feminine polarity, the masculine energy lacks softness, beauty, compassion, and the intuitive capacity to know Spirit. It is Job's daughters who are the most beautiful in all the land, not his sons.

In the beginning Job had ten children. Even though his wealth has doubled, his children remain at ten. Why? The number vibration of nine denotes humankind. "Nine and One reveal God in man."330 The Book of Job is the story of humanity's journey into enlightenment, into the consciousness of a 5th degree Initiate that expresses as God indwelling Self. The Kabbalah states: "The number 10 is an all-embracing number; outside of it none other exists, for what is beyond 10 returns again to units." 331 Corrine Heline points out that 10 is the "fundamental and formative number of the Old Testament." 332

"Ten is the number from which all things have come and into which all must return. It represents both the divine Outbreathing (masculine) and Inbreathing (feminine); it is the power of the dual process of involution and evolution." 333 Within the zodiac, Capricorn is the 10th energy. Capricorn is the energy of initiation and ruled by Saturn, the dweller on the threshold to higher consciousness. The Book of Job is attuned to the energy of Capricorn. It reveals the pathways to Enlightenment. Thus, we can see that through the number vibration of Job's 10 children, much is revealed.

In the beginning of Job's story, his ten children represented one of two paths humanity may travel to reach enlightenment-the broad path on which Saturn must lead us to enlightenment through suffering and loss. At the end of his story, Job's 10 children reveal the narrow path of Initiation. Jesus spoke of these two paths. "Enter in through the narrow door, for wide is the door and broad is the road which leads to destruction, and many are those who travel on it. O how narrow is the door and how difficult is the road which leads to life, and few are those who are found on it." 334 Saturn also oversees the narrow path of Capricorn's initiatory process. Humanity can choose to take the broad path or the narrow path. In the end, Saturn will lead all of humanity home to the Kingdom of God.

Through the process of involution from the heart of God into the physical, humanity chose to dwell temporarily on the plane of duality. We chose to experience having knowledge of good and evil. Now, through the process of evolution, we are walking either the broad or narrow path back to knowledge of our true identities as Sons and Daughters of God. Job, as Every One, could have only 10 children, for humanity on the 9 vibration + God on the 1 vibration = 10. "Ten is the pure white light of One." 335

"After this Job lived one hundred and forty years.. So Job died, being old and contented and full of days." 336 Using numerology, Job's 5th Initiate age is reduced to 100 + 40 = 140 = 5. The vibration of 5 signifies the Christed Self resurrected from the "tomb of matter." 337 At the 5th Initiate age of 140 years, Job is ready for ascension into the higher realms of existence.

Within the zodiac, Leo functions on the vibration of 5. This narrative began with Job as an Edomite Sheik (or Chief), thus possessing a leadership role symbolic of an external throne. Leo is the energy of royalty. Those born with their Sun in Leo are natural leaders and usually manage to sit on one external throne or another. Job's story ends on the vibration of 5 or Leo. As a 5th degree Initiate, Job now sits on his inner throne. He has mastered self. Job returns to spirit at peace with himself, his world, and his God.

Job traveled along the broad path back to his Father. For eons, humanity has followed the broad path of suffering, loss, death, and rebirth. Jesus incarnated to reveal how to walk the narrow path back to our Father/Mother God. Now, it is time for us to leave the broad path and embark upon the narrow one, following in the footsteps of Jesus, our loving brother and Wayshower to make our own ascension.




"Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me
will do the works that I do and, in fact,
will do greater work than these,
because I am going to the Father."

"I have said these things to you while I am
still with you. But the Advocate,
the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send
in my name, will teach you everything
and remind you of all that I have said to you."

"The Zophar teaches that meditation and prayer
are the metaphysical links connecting
human beings to the celestial Light.
Prayer is designed to stabilize our lives;
it is the communication system by
which man fulfills the original purpose
of his existence as determined in Genesis,
which is one of returning to and dwelling
within the energy of the Tree of Life." 340


320 Luke 12:32.

321 Job 3:25.

322 Luke 15:11-32.

323 Job 42:12.

324 Fillmore,  Metaphysical  336.

325 Fillmore,  Metaphysical  386.

326 Fillmore,  Metaphysical  385.

327 Fillmore,  Metaphysical  385.

328 Job 42:15.

329 Numbers 27:1-8.

330 Corine Heline,  Sacred Science of Numbers  (Los Angeles, California:  New Age Press, Inc., 1977)  90.

331 Heline.  Sacred  83.

332 Heline.  Sacred  85.

333 Heline.  Sacred  84.

334 Matthew 7:13-14.

335 Heline.  Sacred  86.

336 Job 42:16-17.

337 Heline.  Sacred  35.

338 John 14:12.

339 John 14:25-26.

340 Kabbalist Rav Berg,  Secret Codes of the Universe  (New York:  The Kabbalah Center, 2000)  12.