by Nancy B. Detweiler
There is much confusion regarding this Planet we call Earth. The majority of us have grown up thinking in terms of Earth simply being the planet on which we live. That Earth is a living, breathing, changing entity seldom, if ever, crosses our mind. We are too busy taking from Earth, mistreating Earth, and demonstrating total disregard for Earth’s well-being.
At the same time, we expect Earth to provide for us—when we plant a seed, we expect it to grow and blossom into its characteristic fruit. We expect Earth to provide plenty of fresh water for us to drink … plenty of fuels to keep us warm and allow us to travel. When there are earthquakes, storms, or volcanic eruptions, we blame “Mother Nature.” We jokingly say, “Mother Nature is showing us who is boss.”
Earth humans have it all wrong. Instead, Planet Earth is a magnificent being named Gaia. According to numerology, Gaia’s Destiny Number is 9—the humanitarian, whose goal is perfection. Gaia cannot be limited to a small group of friends. Her philosophy is to inspire many. Gaia is willing to sacrifice self for her cause, is extremely idealistic, and enjoys people from all walks of life. Gaia is compassionate, wanting only to advance the human race. Her nature is to serve. As a Destiny Number 9, Gaia has evolved to the point of choosing to ascend during this lifetime (or cycle).
Like all of us, Gaia came from the heart of Source, First Cause, the overarching Creator of All Things. She came forth as an individualized Being. With our limited eyesight, we view her as a planet. She is, instead, a tremendous being—one of multitudes in our Milky Way Galaxy.
At some stage in Gaia’s lifestream, she volunteered to become a Prison Planet, where lifestreams that needed a place to awaken to their true identity as sparks of Source could live and grow. Gaia, as a Destiny Number 9, sacrificed her own well-being in order to grant Earth humans the opportunity to mature spiritually. Her compassionate nature continues to give us food and drink while we rampage her being, rip her apart with our violence, throw trash in her face, and repeatedly inflict all types of abuse upon her with no sense of remorse.
Now, the time has come for Gaia to take advantage of her opportunity to ascend. In order to do so, Gaia must restore her being to her original perfection. Gaia has called for assistance from the Realms of Spirit in charge of those incarnating as planets. She has gained Divine Permission to ascend at the end of this cycle and to proceed with whatever it takes for her to prepare for her ascension.
For decades, Gaia and her spokespersons have urged humanity to awaken and choose to ascend with her. She has patiently waited, while we run to and fro mindless of her service to us. Our disregard for Gaia is gross, in every sense of the word. She gifts us with the fragrance of flowers … sturdy trees to shade us … cooling streams in which to wade. We trash her … stifle her with miles upon miles of cement … draw her blood (oil) and create wars to possess it.
Now, the deadline approaches. Gaia will ascend on or around December 21, 2012. In order to do so, she must complete her own purification process. She wants to do this with love and in fact, much purification has taken place through the service of Lightworkers. Just as a boil on the skin of Earth humans can heal only after the puss has been removed, so Gaia must be healed of her boils. Earth humans vomit when sick—a mini-explosion brings forth that which sickens us. So Gaia must vomit through her earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Earth humans cleanse the body with water; storms cleanse Gaia’s atmosphere and body. We use fire to purify gold; Gaia is forced to use physical fire to purify her surface. I say forced because the Violet Transmuting Flame consumes the negative and changes it into positive without the need to be destructive at the same time. But so few Earth humans have awakened to the need to assist Gaia in her purification process by using the Transmuting Flame that she is forced to rely on physical fire.
Earth humans look at the natural events and call them Mother Nature. Little do we know that our own negative actions and thoughts, our utter disregard for Gaia’s well being have created the storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Scientists think they can present scientific reasons, but all they know are explanations of how Gaia’s physical being reacts to Earth humans’ behavior. Ascended planets are not troubled by earthquakes, storms, or eruptions because there is no negativity present. Below is Lord Maha Chohan’s description of the Divine Being named Uranus, an ascended planet.
“Their atmosphere is perfect. The moisture does not come in rainfall, but by a coarse substance that comes through what is similar to your earth. The body structure itself of Uranus is a beautiful green instead of brown. The moisture comes through the porous substance, fills their lakes, rivers, and cisterns, and fills the atmosphere with the necessary moisture. The water is aquamarine; the landed surface is a darker green; the verdure and growth variegated in color. That is determined mostly by the Aura of the individuals who represent the unit of people residing in certain localities. The continental Devas affect the entire contour and over-all color of the various continents. The great planetary Silent Watcher governs and controls the entire Uranium Aura in the atmosphere.” —A.D.K. Luk, editor, Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings
To contrast, let’s see how Gaia is suffering.
All quotes from Ascended Masters listed in bold print are excerpts from Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings.
Ascended Master St. Germain – 1952
“The end of the Cosmic Cycle for the Earth to emit enough Light to be sustained as a planet in this solar system was to be in 1926. Since the Earth, known as the Dark Star, was not emitting Light, therefore would have been destroyed by the dark forces engulfing it. However, Cosmic Beings secured a dispensation which enabled Them to withhold the dark forces sufficiently to give the Ascended Master St. Germain an opportunity to try out His new presentation and application of the Law…. The I AM Activity was the beginning of the Teaching for the New Age as the old or occult law was set aside. Tremendous service was rendered through it for mankind, the Earth and all who were able to accept and apply the Law as given in the Teaching.
[Sadly, the leader of this movement asked for his ascension because of the viciousness with which he was attacked by those who sought to discredit him] ….
[Since much that was required had not yet been done, in the early 1950’s, the Master Morya and St. Germain were able to secure a dispensation to extend the time for another 20-year period. ---the Editor of Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings]”
Ascended Master Kuthumi – 1954
“When Lord Maitreya began to design the world religion with the Ascended Master St. Germain for His Seventh Ray cycle, They had to take into consideration, first, the amount of eternal Light the planet Earth and its people were required to give forth by Cosmic Law or be dissolved; second, the capacity of the ten billion souls to receive and understand the deeper instruction given. This was no easy task because the climax of the 14,000 year cycle should have been reached and every lifestream already developed to the status of a Christ under the Sixth Ray, the mastery as expressed through the Master Jesus.
Then as the Seventh Ray comes in and the ceremonial activity is developed, the entire evolution should have been ready to participate in the glorious cooperation between the visible Angelic Host, the Divine Men and Women, and the shining Elemental kingdom.”
Gaia requested to put an end to her service to Earth humans and to ascend. Her request was granted and she is scheduled for ascension in December 2012. She deeply desires to take Earth humans with her into the ascended state, but should we choose to continue in our present violent, thoughtless, negative behavior, Gaia will have to leave us behind. She is scheduled to move forward in the Milky Way Galaxy and in our own Solar System to the position now occupied by Venus, the Divine Being of Love. No negativity can exist in Venus’ location.
Ascended Master Morya describes life on Venus – 1962
“The life on Venus is under the direction of a great Hierarchy of perfected Men and Women, called The Lords of the Flame. They are the embodiment of wisdom and of love. There is but one language, one state, one race, one purpose. There is no disease, no crime, no army nor navy nor any instrument of force, for physical violence and unbalance are unknown. Every citizen of this world Estate contributes his talents freely to the common cause for 15 short years, between the ages of 20 and 35. Before this time, all are educated by the State according to their particular talents and the interests of the individual citizen
The citizen of Venus after being educated by the State is permitted to utilize his talents and gifts during the period of world benefit for the good of the entire citizenry. After the years of service, each is allowed to pursue such spiritual and cultural studies as his nature may choose.
Old age and disintegration are unknown, because there is no inharmony.”
Thus in order to qualify to ascend with Gaia to Venus’ old location, Earth humans must be willing to live life in a perfected environment. That means all negative behavior must cease, be transmuted, and balanced with service to others.
What is happening in the cosmos that means Gaia’s ascension?
Ascended Lady Master Venus – 1954
“As the Cosmic motion and in-breathing of the Central Sun draws the lesser Sun towards Itself, so in like manner the seven Suns are drawing their planets from the periphery of their system. The planet Venus which is fourth in our system will move one position closer to our Sun becoming the third planet revolving around Krishna and Sophia. So your Sun will draw Mercury within the Electronic Belt, and the Earth will become the third planet revolving around Helios and Vesta.
Right below Venus is the Earth in your system. We are preparing the Earth and its people so that the vibratory action of the position and orbit which We leave may be comfortable and they enjoy the radiation of Love and Wisdom which We leave as our heritage to your planet. So too, are you preparing for when Earth moves closer to the Sun, Mars moves into your present orbit.”
There are many ascended beings working with Gaia and her Earth humans to prepare us for ascension; however, it is up to each of us to make the choice to ascend. Those who desire ascension must get busy preparing for it. Those who choose to remain in Earth’s present location in the Solar System will continue in their spiritual evolution on Mars or some other planet with which their level of consciousness finds resonance.
Each planet moves forward in its entirety because that planet is the form into which a Divine Being incarnated, just like you and I are Divine Beings incarnated in human bodies. When we ascend, we will do so in our entirety. It is called the mystic marriage—our lower self achieves a higher consciousness level in resonance with our Higher Self (the second figure).
Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s Illustration of the Divine Self
We are then capable of living on the 5th dimension or on an ascended planet.
May we come to appreciate the tremendous service of Love Gaia has rendered with the intention that Earth humans would awaken to their true identities as Divine Beings! May we all awaken to the glorious opportunity available to us—to ascend en masse with Gaia, our Mother Earth!