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Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Once we know who we are, our entire world will be transformed.  The kingdom of God will unfold on our planet.  The New Aquarian Age (the next 2000+  years) is to be the Golden Age in which this transformation takes place.  We live in very exciting times and have the opportunity to help in bringing forth the Kingdom.

For those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, the stories of creation found in the first three chapters of Genesis provides many clues to the true nature of our being.  The seven days of creation signify seven eons of time.  Creation, as we behold it today, has taken place over billions of years.  Genesis 1 is a fascinating depiction of creation within the world of spirit.  It is not yet present on the physical plane vibration.  In this spiritual Garden of Eden, the Light of God is the source of light.  The firmament, or sky, provides the division between waters; rain is not yet needed.  Vegetation is plentiful, feeding upon the source of light that is God and a natural source of water that is not dependent upon rain.  Billions of years later, our solar system is created (Genesis 1: 14-18). Genesis is very specific regarding the role of our solar system as it relates to our planet Earth.  The “lights [or stars] in the firmament of the heaven” were created to:

  1. 1. “To separate the day from the night.”
  2. “Let them [the stars] be for signs.” The stars are not just lights in the heavens, but are to be used as signs.  The science of astrology reads these signs and interprets them.  The stars were created to be one means of communicating with Spirit and of knowing that all of creation is interconnected.
  3. “For seasons, and for days, and years.” The stars provide knowledge of the cycles of life and a means of measuring linear time.
  4. “To give light upon the earth.” Though we live and move and have our being within the light of God, the stars offer an additional source of light to our planet.
  5. “And God made two great lights, the greater light [our Sun] to rule the day, and the smaller light [our Moon] to rule the night.” This verse contains astrological meaning.  The Sun signifies the soul, the reflection of God’s light within each of us.  We walk in the Light as we attune to our soul and its desires.  The Moon represents the personality, that part of us that is attuned to the sense desires and emotions.  The Moon rules the night of our past incarnations; it reveals the types of darkness in which we have walked previously.  We use these two great lights as signs when we recognize that our astrological Sun sign sheds light on our souls’ mission for an incarnation; and that our astrological Moon sign reminds us of the darkness we incarnated to transform into light by fulfilling that mission.
  6. Speaking of the Sun and Moon, Genesis 1:18 adds:  “and to separate the light from the darkness.” This is an excellent example of how deeper meanings are hidden within the surface words of the Bible.  Separating day [or light] from night [or darkness] was mentioned in #1; thus, to separate light from darkness in verse 18 has a different meaning.   It points the way to the hidden wisdom of astrology.

In these verses, we find clues to humanity’s relationship to the stars; they are to be signs for us and a means of communicating with the universe.  The stars assist us in determining the seasons, or cycles of nature, and the days and years of linear time.  We are intimately connected to the stars and, consciously or unconsciously, live our lives in attunement with them.  Humanity is an integral part of the universe, not separate from it.  We are a part of the Whole.

Following the creation of the animal kingdom, God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness … So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:26-27   A study of the pronouns used in this passage reveals much.  “Let us” – God is not alone.  Charles Fillmore states:  “Jesus was one of the God Sons of that ancient creation, and it was His destiny to bring forth from the depths of Being a race of potential gods.”  Turn to John 1:1-3:  “The Word was in the beginning, and that very Word was with God, and God was that Word.  The same was in the beginning with God.  Everything came to be by his hand; and without him not even one thing that was created came to be.” The truth about who we are is that we are potential gods created by a Son of God.  We are created in the image of God, meaning that we are spirit beings of an androgynous nature: male and female in one.  “In the image of God he created him, male and female he created them.” An entire race of potential gods was created.  I deliberately use the word “god” to refer to all of us because this race was male and female in one:  they were androgynous.  A part of our task in becoming gods is that we once more achieve a state of androgyny.  We see glimpses of our former state within our brain hemispheres:  the left brain is considered the masculine, intellectual hemisphere; the right brain is the feminine, intuitive hemisphere.  We are increasingly learning to use the whole brain (or mind) approach:  intellect and intuition, masculine (or assertive) and feminine (or receptive).

“And God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth.’” Genesis 1:28  God is speaking to androgynous beings.  Just as Mary was capable of an immaculate conception of Jesus, so were these beings.  Pain and the sensual nature were not a part of human creation at this point in time.  A part of our evolutionary journey is to once more become androgynous and capable of immaculate conception.  We are to become “whole” within ourselves.  Metaphysicians call this state of wholeness the “mystic marriage.”  There will no longer exist the need for marriage between two persons.

In Genesis 2, we see God resting on the seventh day, or during the seventh eon.  God saw that his creation was good and declared the Sabbath as a day of rest.  As we journey forward on our spiritual path, we are to learn to take advantage of this Sabbath day of rest:  our opportunity to go within to our Holy of Holies inner sanctuary.  It is within the silence and communion of Sabbath that we gain the inspiration and attunement with Spirit that builds the foundation for our work of creation during the remaining six days.  Rest is an integral part of the process of creation.  In our modern culture, we approach rest as if it is taboo.  Yet, the only way we can manifest dominion over our earth plane lives is to celebrate the Sabbath day of rest.  Otherwise, we forfeit our most valuable possession.  We are beings of spirit with the capacity to communicate with our indwelling God.  Just as Jesus consulted with the “Father within me” and with the Ascended Masters guiding him, we are to regularly do the same.

In Genesis 2:5, we find verification that the creation of earth depicted in Genesis 1 was not physical.  “And all the trees of the field were not yet in the ground, and every herb of the field had not yet sprung up; for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was no man to till the ground.” Earth and its inhabitants are about to take on physical bodies.  This involution into the physical marks humanity’s descent into what has become almost total forgetfulness of our true identities.  In order to learn from the physical experience, we had to have a physical body.  “And the Lord God formed Adam out of the soil of the earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7  Life in the physical proves different from life in spirit.  Adam, symbolizing the race of physical humanity, feels lonely and separate from the rest of creation.  Whereas in spirit, man was whole within himself; in the physical, man feels isolated and needs a helper.  God observes this fact and responds:  “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper who is like him … for Adam there was not found [among the animals] a helper who was equal to him.” Genesis 2:18,20   God recognized that Adam, representing humanity, needed a helper who was his equal.  Where would Adam’s equal be found?

“So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the place with flesh in its stead.  And of the rib which the Lord God had taken from Adam he made a woman, and brought her to Adam.  And Adam said, ‘This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man.’” Genesis 2:21-23   Remember in Genesis 1 when man was both male and female and whole within self?  Now, the sexes have been separated in order to better cope with the plane of matter.  Adam and Eve, as individuals, came from the same indwelling God flame:  they are twin flames.  They are equal … they are naked, meaning both are pure and open.  They have nothing to hide.  They also possess freewill.  They can choose whether or not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Without the freewill to choose for ourselves, we cannot evolve into gods.  We evolve into gods by developing the self-discipline to consistently choose the good.  Evil helps us to recognize our mistaken choices.  We tend to get into trouble when we make other-than-good choices.  Adam and Eve, symbolizing humanity, found this to be true.  Life becomes more difficult when we have knowledge of good and evil.  The paradise within the Garden of Eden disappears and struggle becomes a part of life on the physical plane.  Adam and Eve exhibit an all too human characteristic:  they blame each other for their own mistakes.  Both make an individual choice.  And life, focused upon the sensual, begins.  The astral plane will now be created by our sensual desires.  The remainder of the Bible is humanity’s story.  We make choices and deal with the consequences.  In the process, our soul’s purpose is to evolve back into the beings of spirit we once were.  As seen in the biblical story, we tend to grow by taking one step forward and two backward.  We go on all kinds of detours.   But, always, the goal is to recall who we truly are and to evolve into Sons and Daughters of God.

The human family is one family, God’s family.  We all have the same goal:  to recall our true identities.  We are all beings of spirit, androgynous by nature and whole within ourselves.  We are whole because we are a part of the Whole.  We are interconnected with all of nature, especially the stars.  While we live in forgetfulness, the stars communicate the universal plan to us.  The real light in which we live and move and have our being is the light of God.  Just as God recognized Adam’s need for a helper equal to him, so God knows our needs before we do and provides for them.  We are God’s creation and God declared his creation GOOD.

As we get to know ourselves as beings of wholeness within self, as good, and as a Daughter or Son of God, we commence the bringing forth of the kingdom of God on Earth.


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