Home » Ascended Masters' Teachings » BRIDGING THE GAP IN OUR CHANGING WORLD

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Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Our world is changing at an unprecedented speed—literally everything is changing!

Our belief systems are undergoing a major shift.  This shift is freeing for some, frightening for others.

Many Christians have been taught to fear anything denoting the New Age.  A part of this fear is due to living on Earth in a very unique period—the end of several cycles of thousands of years duration.  This is a new experience for us.  We were excited over the approach of the 21st century and its potential discoveries because our history books talk about centuries.  But to think in terms of a New World Age thousands of years in duration is beyond our conscious comprehension.  As a result, we tend to react in fear and disbelief.

Our educational systems have not routinely taught fractal time.  To think in terms of life being cyclical (fractal) is new to most of us, even though the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes speaks of these cycles.   For example:  “Whosoever speaks and says, ‘Look, this is new, should know that it already has been in the ages which were before us.”  (Ecclesiastes 1:10)  “That which is now, already has been; and that which is to be, has already been.”  (Ecclesiastes 3:15)  We read these words and think only in terms of “history repeats itself” as we ponder the last few centuries.  We comprehend the Bible only in terms of what we have been taught or learned on our own.  Ecclesiastes is speaking of ages that are beyond our comprehension unless we have studied fractal time and know that time is measured in ever widening cycles.

It is the same with the rest of the Bible.  Most Christians read it through the lens of traditional religious teachings and thereby miss much actually contained within the Bible.  It’s like learning a “new” word … we don’t remember seeing the word until one day we do notice it and look up its definition in the dictionary.  Thereafter, we are surprised at how frequently we see the word because it is now a part of our conscious knowledge.  This limited method of reading the Bible has rendered most Christians unprepared for the shift in Ages that is now taking place.

In 1997, I published a book written especially to assist Christians during this time of transition into a new cycle of time—a new World Age.  A New Age Christian:  My Spiritual Journey is the account of my journey from traditional teachings to an expanded view of life and its purposes.  My book is the result of decades of biblical, historical, and metaphysical research.  It contains 274 Endnotes that provide additional information and resources you can use to do your own research.

A New Age Christian can assist Christians in expanding traditional teachings to include the new truths that are coming forth as the New World Age approaches.  As our intentional spiritual expansion occurs, we overcome fear and experience a level of freedom that we have not known.

A New Age Christian:  My Spiritual Journey

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

I encourage Christians to consider A New Age Christian.  If you know of persons who are questioning present beliefs and desire to learn more, consider recommending, or  purchasing, A New Age Christian for them.

A New Age Christian:  My Spiritual Journey may be purchased at Amazon.com


To order and pay by check or money order, follow the directions found at:  http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/paybycheck.htm

A New Age Christian:  My Spiritual Journey is also available at www.Amazon.co.uk and www.Amazon.ca


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