Home » 2012 » IT’S THE BANKERS OR US, Alex Jones

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Alex Jones’ video is most important.  Please listen to it and share it with others.


You may read the BANKERS’ MANIFESTO at:  http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/manifesto.htm.

Our present world financial collapse has been planned for almost two hundred years.  Being in the know empowers you to take your life in your hands and be prepared.

Behind the scenes much good is taking place.  A new financial system is waiting; however the old must collapse first.  There may be some time during which many suffer deprivation.  It pays for all of us to be prepared for emergencies while anchoring our attention on the glorious future that is to be ours as the New Golden Age emerges.

For those who not know of 2012 and the Golden Age, you can view a movie on my web site and read additional information there.  www.pathwaytoascension.com


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Q&A with Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society August 29, 2017
When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 9 Cib, 14 Uo, 1 Ik – August 29, 2017
