Home » 2012 » WHERE ARE YOU, GOD? A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Biblical Book of Job

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A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Biblical Book of Job

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.



For thousands of years the biblical Book of Job has fascinated and puzzled scholars and laypersons. The Book itself offers no clues as to its original source and language, its age, or to its authorship. It could easily be said that the Book of Job has received more praise than any other book ever written. Its message is universal and timeless.

The Book of Job’s appearance within the lives of humanity is as mysterious as its probable author, Melchizedek.1 The unknown author of the New Testament book of Hebrews describes Melchizedek: “Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever.”2 Equally mysterious are the layers of symbolism embedded in the Book of Job. Its depths reveal knowledge of the cosmos, esoteric astrology, gematria,3 and ancient mystery religions that is far beyond humanity’s capacity to comprehend at this point in our evolutionary process.

“Job is written in an extremely sophisticated learned Hebrew, with a higher proportion of words unique to itself than any other book of the Hebrew Bible.”4 The Kabbalah teaches that the Hebrew alphabet is alive with mystical meaning and numeric vibrations.5 Ancient Hebrew tradition reveals Melchizedek, King of Salem, taught the Kabbalist Sefer Yetzirah (or Book of Creation) to Abraham.6 If Job was indeed written in Hebrew, its mystical language only adds to the mystery and depths of this ancient classic. If Melchizedek was the author of the Book of Job, we can rest assured that much metaphysical knowledge is embedded therein. Earth humans have not scratched the surface of the hidden wisdom to be found in the Book of Job.


Our planet’s emergence into the New Aquarian Age will necessitate the recognition that there is far more to life than our five physical senses reveal. We must begin to view life as it truly is-multi-dimensional. Earth humans represent only one of many species of living, intelligent beings within the cosmos. All of creation is interconnected and influences all contained therein. Life on our planet Earth is a microcosm of the cosmic macrocosm, albeit a much less enlightened version.

As Earth humans awaken to the multi-dimensions in which we live, we find that we can communicate with those residing in various realms of existence. We begin to comprehend our interconnectedness and the vibrant life we all share in common. As we look into the night skies, we behold the stars and planets as the Light Beings that they are. They are among the heavenly hosts mentioned so frequently in the Bible. Know that Earth humans are surrounded by numerous species of beings who long to assist us in building an enlightened civilization upon our planet. Awaken to the fact that Earth humans are aware of only the most miniscule amount of knowledge concerning God’s creation.

The New Aquarian Age and the spiritual awakening that is occurring will require the re-creation of our planetary institutions, the re-writing of our books of knowledge, and the re-thinking of our concepts of life. In the distant past, golden civilizations have existed on our planet. With the Sun’s arrival in the constellation of Aquarius, the next 2,166 years are to be characterized by the re-building of a golden civilization on Planet Earth. The chaos we are presently witnessing is but the destruction that precedes the creation of something better.


The sacred texts of our world religions are far more than we suspect. Since I am familiar with the Bible, I will limit my references to it. For thousands of years, we have referred to the Bible as the inspired Word of God. However, our concept of the Bible has been limited by our own spiritual deadness. We study its surface and think we know the Word of God. We have yet to awaken to the tremendous depths within this sacred text. Layer after layer of symbolism is hidden beneath the surface words. The Bible is a living entity that holds, within its depths, knowledge far beyond our present capacity to comprehend.

I experience a slight hint of its immeasurable depths as I attempt to interpret the Book of Job. Job has held lifelong fascination for me. Yet, I am filled with reverence as I realize that I have only scratched at the surface of its true meaning. I am sure others, like Charles Fillmore, Corrine Heline, and Geoffry Hodson-all of whom sought to interpret the Bible metaphysically-experienced the same awe at such depths of meaning. Surface words have led many astray because we lack the wisdom of the Eye of God to see and the attunement to Spirit to hear the inner messages being conveyed to us through this living Word of God.

The New Aquarian Age marks a time in which the Bible is to be interpreted at increasingly deeper levels. Because this living book contains all Truth, we must interpret it by using the broadest spectrum of Truth available to us at this point in time. Its words stretch into infinity. We must approach it with the humility of one who knows how little Earth humans comprehend the vastness of Truth. No longer can we read the surface and believe we have read the Bible. It is time to move beyond the parameters of any one world religion and to integrate the whole of Truth, as we presently know it, into our interpretation of the Bible. We must recognize the presence of a universe of beings who communicate with us in myriad ways. No longer can we dismiss the ancients as those who were less evolved in their knowledge of the universe and the Truth of Being. Viewing Earth humans as the only living beings in the universe is to achieve the heights of ignorance and spiritual blindness. Rejecting the heavenly hosts as figments of the ancients’ imagination is tantamount to putting God in a 6 ft. box and declaring that it contains all there is to know about the Creator of the cosmos.


As you read my interpretation of the Book of Job, I affirm your discovery of the many facets of Truth to be found within the Bible. I have included an Appendix in which you may find a portion of esoteric astrology that may be applied to you, the individual reader. I do so in an effort to personalize Job’s story; for in Truth, Job is Everyone. Both my interpretation and the esoteric astrology reflect reincarnation as the path on which each of our souls awaken to and re-integrate into our daily lives the knowledge of our true identity as a Son or Daughter of God.


I have written Where Are You, God? A Metaphysical Interpretation of Job to be a biblical studies book. The reader will glean much more out of the study by reading the scriptural text along with my interpretation. As you read the Scripture, you are likely to receive insights of your own into the riches of the Book of Job.

Even though the metaphysics included in my interpretation may be unknown to the reader, I encourage you to read with an open mind and the willingness to consider alternative views of life and the spiritual Path.

To read the entire book, go to:  http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/chapel/index.htm


Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.

Show me thy ways, O Lord;
teach me thy paths.
Lead me in thy truth, and teach me;
for thou art my God and my Saviour;
on thee do I wait all the day.7


1 Edgar Cayce, the most scientifically verified intuitive in Western history, unveiled Melchizedek as the author of the Book of Job in Reading #262-55.

2 Hebrews 7:3.

3 Gematria = a complex form of numerology.

4 Edwin M. Good, “Job,”  Harper’s Bible Commentary.  G. Ed. James L. Mays.  San Francisco:  Harper & Row, 1988.  407.

5 John Bonner, Qabalah  A Primer (London:  Skoob Books Publishing, 1995)  xv, xviii.

6 Elizabeth Clare Prophet quoting Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi, Kabbalah:  The Tradition of Hidden Knowledge (New York:  Thames and Hudson, 1980), 32 in her book entitled Kabbalah:  Key to Your Inner Power, 24.

7 Psalm 25:1, 4-5.


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