Home » 2011 » David Wilcock’s Interview with Benjamin Fulford – A Must Read!

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David Wilcock’s Interview of Benjamin Fulford

Washington Monument

This interview is packed with information we all need to know—information concerning the behind-the-scenes activities on our planet that have tremendous impact upon our daily lives.  Learning the truth before it bursts forth on the world scene gives you an opportunity to adjust to the fact that life has not been as it appeared.


I encourage all to read this interview in its entirety so that you will, in small measure, be prepared as the truth is revealed to the public.  David inserts thoughts of his own, so be sure you read to the end of the interview.  Every sentence is packed with information that impacts our lives.


David provides the means to listen to the interview as well.  However, reading it allows you to re-read some statements and study it more closely.  As unbelievable as the first reading of this interview may be, I cannot imagine the situation in which you will regret doing so.  Knowing ahead of time empowers you!  Many will have the rug pulled completely out from under them and need your help in dealing with so much truth being revealed at one time.





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