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SaLuSa’s Message with Note by Nancy

Note by Nancy:  SaLuSa’s message for today offers an important insight for all of us who are choosing to ascend en masse with planet Earth.

For thousands of years, we have incarnated on planet Earth—our plane of duality schoolhouse.   Through a process of trial and error—using our gift of freewill choice—we have sought to learn:   to discern truth from falsehood … to consistently choose that which is good for all, even when that which will have ill effects for some is only evident in a very subtle manner … to walk the way of love at all times … to be true to our inner knowing of our own Soul’s purpose for incarnating … to know Self as a sovereign being.

Now the time of graduation from Earth’s schoolhouse approaches.  An advanced degree from a university requires each student to take a comprehensive exam covering all the material included in the course of study.  This exam determines whether or not we may have the privilege to hang out our shingle as a doctor, lawyer, accountant, etc.

SaLuSa tells us that in order to learn from our lifetimes of attending Earth’s schoolhouse we must understand our role in creating the characteristics of life as we presently see them on our planet.   What was our role in allowing the planet to reach the brink of total enslavement by a few powerful persons?   SaLuSa tells us that we cannot gain from our Earth education until we understand our evolution to the present time in history.

It is for this reason that our galactic family will guide us in comprehending the matrix of lies, cover-ups, and manipulation in which we have existed for thousands of years.  The present occupations taking place around our planet are very positive signs that people have awakened and are now demanding truth and justice for all.

SaLuSa encourages us to support the occupations in the way that best suits each individual.   Offering support increases the energetic movement toward a world characterized by 5th dimensional qualities.  Opposing the occupations equals sending energy that strengthens all that has sought to enslave the people of this planet.

SaLuSa reminds us that ascension is the freewill choice of every individual.  We can choose to ascend in the very near future – or – we can choose to wait and continue life as we presently know it.  There is no divine judgment on either choice.

Ascension into 5th dimensional consciousness requires that we leave behind a belief system that has allowed us to become enslaved by the powerful.  Therefore, we must come to understand the ways by which we have succumbed to manipulation and the surrendering of our divine sovereignty—how did we give up our inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness?

Once we acknowledge our role in the present woes of the planetary society, we are free to objectively evaluate our methods and move forward in creating a galactic society that values every human being as a divine spark of God.

It is for this reason that a time of learning our true history will precede ascension into 5th dimensional consciousness.

Now for SaLuSa!


Sirius – Hobble Space Telescope

SaLuSa – October 21, 2011


The worldwide uprising continues to grow and will result in gains for the people. Not too long ago such demonstrations would have been quickly put down by force if necessary, as governments are scared of situations where you have mobilized yourselves into powerful groups. We have always advocated peaceful demonstrations, as violence begets violence and in such situations you are inevitably the loser. However, we understand that there comes a point when you cannot take anymore, and anger takes over from reasoned thinking. This battle for your future will help to create the energies for change, and not everyone needs to be in the front line, as just by sending out your thoughts of support you are adding to it. This is where the world as a whole has the upper hand if they come together to support a common cause.

The result is that the dark Ones face an impossible task to stop the movement for change from becoming stronger. They cannot handle vast numbers who have such a strong willpower, who will fight to the last until they get their victory. At last the media has been forced to report what is really happening in the world, as even they are moving away from the controls placed upon them. They will have a field day when journalists can report the truth, particularly when events such as 9/11 are revealed for what they really are. The pressure on the US is growing to arrange an independent investigation, and President Obama may yet lead the way. It is only a matter of time before one takes place, and the truth is revealed.

The purpose of revealing the acts of the dark Ones is not to take revenge, as all souls are called to account for their thought and actions to much higher authorities. It is so that you understand how you came to be in the position you found yourselves. You were just short of becoming totally enslaved and controlled by a draconian World Government that was to be put in place. Your rights would have been strictly controlled and curtailed, so that you had little freedom unless you conformed to the new World Order. It has not come about overnight, but has been planned for millennia of time. Slowly and almost unnoticed you have been fooled and misled so that you gave your rights away. There were plenty of warnings, but you were lulled into a false sense of security. You need to understand the reasons so that you fully benefit from the experiences.

Some people wish to hang onto what they are familiar with, and if that be their choice it will be so. We and others lay out before you the benefits of Ascension without trying to force it upon any of you, and at no time will you be able to truthfully say that you did not know. We have no concern about people who decline the opportunity to ascend, and we give of our love to them as we would anyone. Their future is as well assured as anyone else’s, and in any event there will come a time when they will join those who have gone ahead. You have all the time you desire to stay in the lower dimensions, and we know that when you have fulfilled your experiences you will look to the higher dimensions for your next ones.

We of the Galactic Federation can say that we have done all this before, and it means we know what we are talking about. Mass Ascension does not come up often, but even so we have helped others achieve it as we do for you now. It is such a wonderful occasion and we look forward to enjoying it every bit as much as you will. You will certainly be pleased that you were privileged to be on Earth for such a wonderful upliftment. The Creator is taking you into the higher realms, prepared already to receive you as the Cosmic Beings you are already becoming. You and your Higher Self shall become as One and travel the Heavens that stretch into Infinity.

Knowing what lies ahead let nothing put you off your path, and let the lower vibrations pass you by as they no longer have any power over you. Let go of links to them that you know cannot travel with you, and refine your energies so that you become a Being of Light. That will be your protection as you enter the Ascension stage and take your place with us. Remember that you have everything to gain, and you will have absolutely no regrets at making your decision to ascend. If you still cannot bring yourself to follow this path have no fear, as your needs have been catered for as well as anyone else’s.

Fill your hearts with love and shine your Light where ever you are, and that is all that can be asked of you. You do not yet understand the level of power you hold, but it still does not prevent you from creating. What you give thought to and desire to manifest will at some time do so. That is the Law and you will soon learn to use it wisely. It explains why you are considered responsible for your experiences, because as a mass consciousness the Human Race has decided what its experiences shall be. Now as individuals you decide whether to step on to the path of Ascension.

Whatever way you look at it these are unique times for mankind, after having spent so long in the darkness of ignorance deliberating foisted upon you, the life line is held out for you. Grasp it and do not let go, and hold strongly to your belief that the end of this cycle is just the beginning of a completely new one. It is there already and you have a wonderful opportunity to leave the lower dimensions. It is almost too good to be true, yet the Creator has set the scene for your gradual awakening, and upliftment into those higher dimensions that are like a wonderland of untold beauty and a peace that knows no equal. It is yours Dear Ones and you have truly earnt that gift by your steadfastness to the Love and Light.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and cannot do enough to impress upon you what a fantastic time you are in, one that many souls desired to be part of – but it is you who were chosen knowing that you could lead the way out of the darkness and help others find the Light. You have succeeded and soon the changes you have invited and willed into being, will manifest. We would say, well done and look upon you with great admiration for your remarkable achievements. We love you all for being what you are – Beacons of Light in the midst of the darkness that now recedes in the face of it.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.


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