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Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Zodiac Signs, Ruling Planets, & Symbols in their Natural Houses

        2012 is to be a year in which we get to know self in preparation for Earth, and those inhabitants who so choose, to ascend to higher dimensions of consciousness.

There are many avenues of assistance in getting to know self.  As a professional counselor who used astrology as a counseling tool, I know first hand that astrology far exceeds all other methods.  Using the client’s astrological natal chart allows very precise, detailed information regarding him/her as a unique individual.  As a professional counselor, I had access to and could compare the results of standardized personality tests with the natal chart.  The two are like nursery school and graduate school in the amount of individualized information they provide.  A standardized test report reads much like a copy of the report on a previous client.  The same is true of all other standardized means of testing or knowing self.

I recently posted an article entitled “Are We Being Who We Really Want To Be?”  http://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2011/12/07/are-we-being-who-we-really-want-to-be/

This article is based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which can be very helpful in determining where an individual is focused in his spiritual evolutionary process.  Using the astrological natal chart in conjunction with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs greatly enhances the knowledge that can be ascertained in terms of individual responses.

Just as Creator God does not duplicate a snow flake, individuals are not duplicated either.   The astrological natal chart is the best possible means to know self as a unique being.  I have found the natal chart to be restricted in the information it affords only by the amount of time allotted to study it.  The natal chart is a limitless treasure chest of self-discovery!

Because it is impossible for one person to study numerous natal charts with great depth, I created a course entitled “Interpreting Your Own Esoteric Astrological Natal Chart for the Purpose of Soul Growth.”  This course is free and on my website at:  http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/astrology/index.htm

For those who simply wish to study their Sun Sign, go to:  http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/astrology/index.htm and scroll down to the index of Sun Signs—meaning Aries, Taurus, etc.  Your Sun Sign is determined by your date of birth.  In case you do not know your Sun Sign, look under the title, Aries, Taurus, etc., and find your correct birth date and Sun Sign.

We can learn much about self from studying our Sun Sign.  The Sun Sign represents our Soul and is described according to Alan Oken’s three levels of spiritual growth:  1. Personality level, 2. Awakening to the Soul-Personality Relationship, and 3. Soul Centered Level.

The level of spiritual growth needed for ascension is illustrated in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs by the 5th Step – Self-Actualization.  Likewise, the level of spiritual growth needed for ascension is illustrated in much greater detail in the Astrological Natal Chart by the Soul Centered Level.  Using these two indicators can be an excellent resource for us as we increasingly strive to progress on our spiritual evolutionary path to ascension.

I encourage all to embark on this very exciting journey of self-discovery and knowledge.  Knowing self is the way to self-esteem … to being who you really want to be … and the pathway to ascension.

Godspeed in your efforts!



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