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Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

We have now entered the last quarter of 2012—the year in which Gaia and her inhabitants are divinely scheduled to ascend to higher consciousness.  Are we ready?

I opened my The Way of Love Blog for the purpose of assisting in this preparation process.  Below are the first two blogs in which I described our predominant level of conscious awareness as it stood in July 2009.

Have we awakened to all the lies we are repeatedly fed?  Are we approaching December 2012 with a greater desire to assist in making our world a better place through spreading unconditional love?  Have we learned to walk a mile in the other’s shoes before judging and condemning them?  Do we continue to cling to old ideologies that create separation, not cooperation?  Do we still boost our own personality egos by making another group less-than?

The degree to which we have awakened is the degree to which we are prepared to ascend to a higher level of consciousness.

I invite you to read the blogs below and decide for yourselves how prepared you are to ascend.


Posted on July 13, 2009 by Nancy B. Detweiler | Edit

Before we can truly walk the Way of Love, we must awaken to the many lies we have been told by those in power positions.  The most devastating of these lies relate to who we are as human beings living on Planet Earth.  These lies include the following, but are by no means the extent of the matrix of illusions by which we live.

1.  We are separate from God and all of creation.  This lie leaves humankind in a very vulnerable position—at the mercy of a God we do not understand and whatever else life throws our way.

2.  God rewards and punishes us according to our behavior.

3.  We must obey the teachings of our chosen religion in order to gain salvation from a punishing God.

4.  We have only one lifetime on Earth.  When we leave, it is because God has removed us.

5.  Death ends all opportunities to live on Earth and results in our soul being permanently assigned to one of two possible places:  heaven or hell.

6.  Life on Earth is naturally characterized by the “survival of the fittest.”

7.  God creates some human beings with mental, physical, and emotional handicaps.

8.  We are alone in the vast cosmos.  Thus, by inference, life on Earth is the best God could do.

9.  Each human being is the result of intercourse between his/her parents—the uniting of the human sperm and egg.  Therefore, human beings can be killed.

10.  Wars are necessary in order to protect ourselves from our nation’s enemies.

11.  God takes sides in war.  Of course, God always takes the side of those who are right and pray to Him.

12.  God is male and resides high in the sky.  He is the “man in the sky.”

13.  God can do anything God chooses.

The above list of lies—only the tip of the iceberg—are among the major factors in the formation of humanity’s belief system and therefore, humanity’s behavior.

In order to truly walk the Path of Love, we must reconsider each lie and seek the Truth instead.   As long as we subscribe to lies, our motives are skewed.  A good example is our motivation for “good works.”  Good works are among the criteria, taught by religions, that help us get into heaven.  Therefore, the majority of “good works” are performed with a skewed motive:  “I’ll be rewarded in heaven.”  Love based on fulfilling requirements cannot be unconditional love.

I am creating this Path of Love Blog in order to look at the above lies, and more, with the prayer that we may all awaken to the Truth of who we really are … who God is … and our real place within the cosmos.

May we walk together on the Path of Love as we prepare for a glorious emergence into the next World Age, commencing in 2012.  We have so little time in which to transform our world into one of Light and Unconditional Love!


Posted on July 14, 2009 by Nancy B. Detweiler | Edit

Earth humans reside in a matrix of lies or, as metaphysicians would say, a world of illusions.  Many of the concepts upon which we build our lives are merely illusions, as we can see in my 7/13/09 blog entitled “Oh … The Lies We’ve Been Told.”

How are these lies perpetuated?  Do not intelligent people recognize the lie?  I’ll list a few of the methods used in order to give us an opportunity to awaken to what is really going on around us.

1.  Citizens are deliberately “dumbed down” through the use of all major structures within our planetary society.  These structures include: schools and universities, religions, political organizations, and a vast array of “store front” agencies that operate in one way overtly and another covertly.  Because the leaders of these structures have been “dumbed down” themselves, many have no idea as to the real goals of the work they are performing.  A small segment of the world population—the power elite—are in charge of all major decisions throughout the world.  The present chaos in our world represents the crumbling of this covert control.  Finally, citizens throughout this planet are awakening to how enslaved they have been and are demanding change.

An excellent website for learning the truth is Fred Burk’s, a former US State Department language interpreter for high level dignitaries, who resigned his position when the demand for secrecy became too extensive.   Many internationally known authorities now assist Fred in his efforts to expose what is really going on in our world.  http://www.wanttoknow.info/index.shtml

2.  Lies are deliberately created, then proclaimed as truth.  For the majority of citizens, repetitious statements of the lie will soon establish it as truth.  Many of the debates we hear between authorities through the major news media are based on a lie that has been accepted as truth.  A lie can be debated just as easily as the truth.  A perfect example of this is that nations must protect themselves against terrorists.  It is up to each of us to research on our own, to seek the truth, and make our life decisions on a foundation of truth.  “Authorities” may sincerely believe what they are debating because the truth has been withheld from them.  We cannot blame them so much as ourselves for not making the effort to learn what is really going on.

3.  Citizens are deliberately taught to “remain in the box” of codified thought.  Thinking independently results in all types of less-than-pleasant repercussions.  As long as we, the citizens of our planet, consent to be docile, to be taught by the authorities, to avoid independent thinking, we can be controlled.

4.  Earth humans are deliberately controlled by fear:  fear of loss of job, home, position within the community, family, and even life itself.  Yet, the only reason we can be controlled by fear is that we believe the lies, we consent to be “dumbed down.”

5.  The power elite controls the proclamation of truth via ridicule, destroying professional reputations, and a myriad of other methods including death.  A perfect example of this is the cover-up of extraterrestrial presence both on and around Earth.  We must do our own research on sites such as Dr. Steven Greer’s http://www.disclosureproject.org/ and http://www.cseti.org/.  View the DVDs from http://www.fastwalkers.com/ and http://www.galacticdiplomacy.com/

A major reason citizens can be “dumbed down” is because we do not assume the responsibility of researching for truth on our own.  Once we know that our loving galactic family is here to guide us into ascension to higher consciousness, we will no longer allow the cover-ups.

6.  “Dumbing down” is possible because Earth humans do not know who they truly are—child-gods made in the image of our Creator God.  Most, if not all of the religions, have failed to teach the truth about who we are.  Once more, fear is the controlling factor.

7.  An unfailing method of population control is to separate into segments by the use of “issues”—abortion, gay rights, immigration, political parties, religious ideologies, liberal vs conservative … on and on.  A divided nation can easily be conquered while the citizens compete and fight among themselves, oblivious to the covert and overt actions of those in power positions.

8.  Earth humans have been taught that it is the government’s responsibility to protect them.  All sorts of lies have been perpetuated on us under the false statements:  “for national security” … “in our national interests”  … “for our safety” … “to avoid pandemics” … again, on and on.

TRUTH IS:  Once we know who we really are, we do not need the protection or help of any outside agent.  This is the very reason the truth has been withheld from Earth humans.

9.  Lies are easily perpetuated by control of the major media and what they are allowed to report.  Citizens are taught to listen to the authorities.  As a result, when an individual or group attempts to reveal truth, many will respond with:  “What do the authorities say?”  In far too many cases, the authorities are involved in the cover-up, if for no other reason than they fear risking their professional credibility.  Hence, when the media quotes authorities, the truth is seldom revealed.  Truths, such as the presence of extraterrestrials and the spiritual gift of clairvoyance/clairaudience, are ridiculed or represented by using persons/examples who earn our distain by the use they put to their knowledge.  Highly credible professionals are not likely to place themselves in a position of being interviewed by a news media that manipulates both the manner of reporting and the truth.  ABC’s Peter Jennings’ program on extraterrestrials was an example of major media “pretense” at investigating and presenting truth.

9.  The entertainment media is also controlled by the power elite.  Excellent examples of this are the most recent Sunday night mini-series:  IMPACT on ABC and METEOR on NBC.  Both movies appear to be a convoluted attempt to warn Earth humans of the upheaval within our solar system and galaxy that is scheduled by fractal timing to peak around 2012.  Time, as we have heretofore known it, will end on 12/21/2012.  This end to a World Age will arrive either as vast destruction on the planet (as the previous World Ages have ended) OR as humanity ascending into higher consciousness and the creation of a New Earth & a New Heaven.  Earth humans control the outcome by the level of higher consciousness we can achieve between now and 2012.

The movies make no mention of these two probabilities.  Instead, they focus on a solution of using nuclear weapons in space.  Our governments are depicted as totally unprepared to deal with such a time … except by resorting to our armies and nuclear weapons.  The people have NO warning and therefore must be controlled by the Armed Forces.  A formula for martial law emerges.

In my view, the movies are attempting to convince Earth humans of the following:

a)  We are dependent upon the Armed Forces to protect us and save us from a destruction of cataclysmic proportions arriving from the solar system/galaxy.

b)  Nuclear weapons are our only hope of planetary survival within a solar/galaxy system gone awry.

c)  The governments know nothing of impending disaster and react only as the events within the solar/galaxy system are climaxing.

d)  Governments will do their best to protect us and our planet.

e)  In return, Earth humans will respond to the governments’ efforts with great appreciation and pledge to continue supporting expansion of nuclear weapons into space.  “Dumbed down” citizens will fail to recognize the governments’ cover-ups and allow them to proceed as before.

f)  The movies climax with an intended message: “With such late notice of approaching destruction, our governments did the best they could.”

THE TRUTH:  The sooner Earth humans awaken to the need to lift our conscious awareness to higher dimensions, the sooner lies can no longer be perpetuated among us.  The matrix of lies in which we live contains no lasting solutions.  Like attracts like: lies attract more lies … perhaps re-formulated, but still lies.

THE TRUTH:  Earth humans will save this planet only by ascending to a level of unconditional love for all humanity and achieving a lasting world peace.

OUR CHOICE:  We can choose:  1.  Allow ourselves to be led blindly into a destructive end to the present World Age in 2012 … OR …  2.  Assume responsibility for seeking Truth on our own and lifting our consciousness to a much higher level where only Light and Love exist, where no living being suffers.

IT IS TIME to attune to our true identities as child-gods with all the inner spiritual power we need to assist in bringing forth “Heaven on Earth.”  We need not depend on those who lie to us, who hide Truth from us, who ridicule the idea of a better Earth brought about by love and world peace—rather than control by fear.

We, as Earth humans, are perfectly capable of seeking and finding Truth on our own and of implementing that Truth into our lives.  We can allow the old ways to pass away and the new, far better, to emerge as Heaven on Earth.

Hand in hand, we can walk The Path Of Love!



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Q&A with Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society August 29, 2017
When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 9 Cib, 14 Uo, 1 Ik – August 29, 2017
