NOTE BY NANCY: This e-mail from a friend does an excellent job of describing the reasons behind “One Billion Rising” on Valentine’s Day. She also includes links to various groups and their dances. ************** Aloha, Every-Buddy! This year is truly unrolling as the best year ever, and the world is shifting and changing in glorious ways! Many groups around the world are expanding the meaning of Valentine’s Day this year to extend love and healing vibrations to every brother and sister sharing this Earth with us–and even beyond that. Let’s open our hearts wide and reach out as far as we can possibly imagine. I’ve been out of a loop for a while, so you may already know of an important part of this expansion, the One Billion Rising international surge to end violence against women (representing the at least 1 billion women on the planet who have been violated). At last count, 197 countries and territories have joined in to the largest global day (48 hours) of action the world has ever seen! Our awareness of the pervasive violence our sisters all over the world live with and under has grown steadily over the years, has penetrated so deeply into our hearts that we are rising up as a global community to say “enough!!!” “NO MORE!!!” One Billion Rising is bringing awareness, empowerment and joy through DANCE! All over the globe on Valentine’s Day, our hearts and spirits will unite as we DANCE in joyous declaration and support of every sister in every walk of life in every corner of our Earth. Any sister living in compromise, repression and fear needs to know that she is not alone, that her world community SEES her, believes in her, supports her and will turn the tide in global awareness so she can freely live her life honoring her full potential with equal rights as a precious human being. Women, even men, from all over the world are choreographing and posting their dances; the internet is full of tutorials and videos of flash dances. They are touching my heart deeply. Here are women of all ages in countries where their repression and fear is high, learning and teaching these dances. Women in Arequipa (a province in Peru) are joined by men and young girls dancing in the street with people on both sides standing shoulder-to-shoulder, watching. I don’t speak much Spanish, yet can understand “no mas” (no more) and their gestures. People have already posted their dances from Istanbul, Samoa, Israel, Cape Town, Mumbai, the United Arab Emirates, the Philippines, Hungary, Delhi, Indonesia, Bhutan, Berlin, the USA, Pakistan, Mexico–just a small sampling from what I’ve seen. I have never spent Valentine’s Day in a more beautiful and powerful way than I will this year! Links to get you started are at the bottom. Go where your heart leads you and join your spirit with theirs. You don’t have to dance special dances in the street–join in however you’re led–tap a toe, wriggle in your wheelchair, throw your hands up, smile and laugh, breathe deep, hug someone, dance around the room or outdoors in your own style. You might find yourself pulled to dance along with someone speaking a different language and learn some of their steps in a video. The more you breathe it all in and let the energy out through your body in dance, the wider your heart will open, the more your love for all women and girls will expand to embrace all men and boys, the further your joy will fill the world and spill into the heavens. I know it. My heart is traveling the face of the Earth, hugging expansively, and will never squeeze back into the small space of my body again. Expanding love to all, kiko Colors you can wear in support: black and red. Hang in with our sisters at the beginning of this video (first one on the page)–I promise your hearts will rise with them inspired with empowerment: and: DANCING (sampling): United Arab Emirates: Israel: Arequipa, Peru:–VGwG0&feature=share&list=PL1m4yEr5Ny9NqM2hSgiKLLY8p4zKaFfnh Philippines: Women workers in Calabarzon, Philippines: Fort Wayne, IN on the street in the cold: Somewhere in southwestern Asia?: CHOREOGRAPHY/INSTRUCTIONS (sampling): Jaago Dilli Jaago (New Delhi?): Philippines: “Break the Chain” instructions further down the page: and: |