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Are all of these emergency meetings of world leaders leading to some big announcement?

Benjamin Fulford

June 16, 2014


Seemingly unrelated events like the trouble in the Ukraine, the emergence of new countries in the Middle East and a never ending stream of meetings of world leaders are all inter-connected and leading to some world altering event. The event could be the announcement of an entirely different, and more benevolent, way of running this planet.

For example, the emergence of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria or ISIS, combined with the de facto new nation of Kurdistan reflect an agreement reached between the gnostic illuminati and the White Dragon Society to eliminate the colonialist and insensitive Sykes-Picot borders drawn by the English and French at the end of World War I. The end result of this ongoing process is expected to be the birth of a pan-Islamic Caliphate or loose federation of Sunni states. There is also expected to be an expansion of Iran or the Persian Empire into Shia lands in places like Southern Iraq. Ideally, the Sunnis and Shias should then bury their 1334 year old hatchet and start friendly relations. There will likely be plenty of turmoil before this new structure, based on the history and ethnicity of the region, jells into place as different groups jostle for advantage….

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