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Creating a Matrix for Sacred Life

By Shanta Gabriel on January 23, 2014 in Messages from Archangel Gabriel

Crystal-ChaliceCrystal Chalice

Dear Ones,

Your soul volunteered to be here during this pivotal time to act as a bridge between Heaven and Earth. You are here to bring Spirit into matter, to be the Divine human that acts as a Light Bearer for awakening consciousness. It is incumbent upon you, therefore, to bring your spirituality into every area of your life in full unity and recognize that all is a part of God. When you do this, your presence becomes a blessing and all that you are brings more Harmony into the world.

In this time of new beginnings you have been given a great gift ~ a blank slate to work with so you can create your new life in 2014 and beyond. There is a magical quality to this place of the unseen, unknown future. Having released all that you were in the past, you might be feeling empty and uncertain. For some it is very uncomfortable, yet recognize that this is a very sacred place to be.

You stand at the apex of awakening consciousness, and blessings are being showered upon you from Source energy, enabling you to work very closely with your Soul’s guidance system. This is important to know because your intuition is becoming very clear and you can trust yourself in a new way. The Angelic Dimensions have seeded the consciousness of humanity with a powerful, loving force of intention to bring the highest frequencies into daily life in pure harmonic, cohesive balance.

A Sacred Vessel is a Gift ~ especially when it is empty.

READ MORE: http://www.thegabrielmessages.com/creating-a-matrix-for-sacred-life/




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