Home » Celia Fenn » Turning Inwards to Core Power : A Planet and Population in Transition Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn : New Year July/August 2014

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 Turning Inwards to Core Power : A Planet and Population in Transition

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn : New Year July/August 2014


 “Once again you have reached the “New Year” of your planet. As you approach the end of July 2014, a turbulent month filled with challenges, you are now ready to cross the threshold and enter into a New Year of Light, Time and Experience. Will you choose to move with the rising light and into a new level of experiences, or will you simply continue to repeat the same experiences again and again in the coming year?

This is a valid question, for as the Planetary energies rise and increase in intensity, each living being on the Planet is given the opportunity to intiate a new level of personal growth and experience in accordance with the energies of the Planet and the incoming Light Codes that are transmitted from the Great Central Sun and the Galactic Center as Light Impulses from the Great Cosmic Heart and Mind.

This is not an easy time for any of you, as the Planet is moving through a period of Transition from the old pre-2012 system and order and into its New Earth manifestation and form, according to the blueprints and dreams of the Collective Heart and Mind in action. It may not seem so, since the level of confusion, violence and chaos on the Planet is intense. Yet we see this a manifestation of the old energies falling away in order to give rise to something new that will sustain life on Planet Earth in the years to come.

Each one of you, on the personal level, will be led to question your life and your values, and to choose a new path that aligns more closely with what you hold to be truth in your life.

You may also find that while you are asked to “let go”, there may be nothing that arises immediately to take its place. This may be a frightening prospect, being asked to step into a void with nothing but trust that you will be held and guided. But in truth, Beloved Ones, you have been prepared for this moment for many years.

Yes, this is the moment when you are truly stepping forward as Masters of Light, Masters of Time and Space, and claiming your Core Power.”

READ MORE: http://www.starchildglobal.com/ChannelAAMJuly2014.html


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