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Blog Talk Radio Nutrition Discussion – 8/17/2014 By: Meg Davis

Email: btwdavis@gmail.com Facebook: Wisdom Within – Meg Davis Archived episode:

hƩ p://www.blogtalkradio.com/channelpanel/2014/08/17/ascension-training-with-sananda-and-the-arcturians

TABLE OF CONTENTS (Click on link below to take to to tipi in document): 1. Statement about Ascension and protein requirements 2. Link to carb counting website 3. Recommended carbohydrate levels for optimal health 4. List of Food in Carbohydrate category 5. Short “You Tube” videos explaining blood sugar connection with diseases (highly recommend!) 6. Best food article I’ve ever read 7. Great read and print article for family and friends to explain blood sugar 8. List of vegan protein sources 9. Westin A. Price website mentioned by Michelle on Sunday’s call – whole food resource 10. Terrific cookbook on whole food nutrition, almost like a textbook 11. Basics of “What the heck do I eat” PDF 12. Favorite recipe website 13. Kitchen appliance MUST for quick and easy meals 14. Juicing 15. Revamped food pyramid – we can add to this and make it better 16. Best greens to eat 17. Stages of Blood Sugar Imbalances (associated symptoms listing)

Date: 8/19/2014

  1. Statement about Ascension and protein requirements:   *** One thing to remember about Ascension and shifting nutrition recommendations is that the more crystalline-based our DNA becomes, the less protein we require. Protein breaks down into amino acids which are the building blocks for the carbon-based DNA structure. So donʼt worry so much about getting enough protein, there is plenty of protein in the plants you eat, nuts & seeds, quinoa, and le- gumes. You might require more protein if you are doing alot of exercising, weight-training and athletics. (see below – vegan protein sources)***
  2. Link to carb counting website: How many grams of carb in foods:      http://www.monkeymatters.com/charts/simple_index.htm

 Recommended carbohydrate levels for optimal health:

  • 0-50 grams – rapid weight loss
  • 51-80 grams – slower weight loss
  • 81 – 150 grams – maintenance (the more exercise you do, the more carbs will burn)                                                  

*** less exercise – 81 – 100 grams                                                                                                                                

*** more exercise – 101 – 150 grams

  • 150 – 300 grams – high blood pressure, cholesterol problems, immune problems, pre-diabetes, heart disease
  • 300+ grams – TROUBLE!!!   diabetes, cancer, heart disease, obesity
  1. List of Food in Carbohydrate category: *** use in moderation ***
  • Bread (Use Ezekial is a must)
  • Cereal
  • Crackers
  • Bran
  • Snack/Breakfast Bars
  • Oatmeal (use quinoa instead)
  • Baked Goods
  • Pastries (quinoa pasta available)
  • Cookies/Cakes


  • Pasta
  • Fruit ***
  • Fruit Juices (different than juicing)
  • Fruit Smoothies (green smoothies with some fruit OK)
  • Sodas (Kumbucha Tea OK)
  • Energy Drinks
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Agave Nectar, Honey ***
  • Beer
  • Rice (wild rice OK, brown rice occasionally)
  • Potatoes, Yams (use sweet potatoes and butternut squash)
  • Legumes *** (lentils and mung beans are the favorites)
  • Corn/Popcorn
  1. Short “You Tube” videos explaining blood sugar connection with diseases (highly rec- ommend!)   Merritt Wellness you tube videos: Great explanation about blood sugar. (May have to copy and paste to view. Hyperlink is iffy.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RE4cXeX7Po https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCkQdPZjF-Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcvg4DnLvn8&list=PLADBB97658991703E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhwB6ciLeTE&list=PLADBB97658991703E
  2. Best food article I’ve ever read: Long, but worth every minute. “What if It’s All Been a Big, Fat Lie?” Gary Taubes, New York Times 2002 www.nytimes.com/2002/07/07/magazine/what-if-it-s-all-been-a-big-fat-lie.html
  3. Great read and print article for family and friends to explain blood sugar : “The Defi nitive   Guide to Insulin, Blood Sugar & Type II Diabetes” Great article to print for friends and family. www.marksdailyapple.com/diabetes/#axzz3AlmV11kl
  4. List of vegan protein sources: www.vrg.org/nutrition/protein.php
  5. Westin A. Price website mentioned by Michelle on Sunday’s call – whole food resource   during Q & A www.westinaprice.org Great nutrition website ***Recommends meat, so substitute***
  6. Terrific cookbook on whole food nutrition, almost like a textbook: “Nourishing Traditions”, Sally Fallon ** www.nourishedkitchen.com ** great for fermented food recipes for good intestinal bacteria and enzymes
  7. Basics of “What the heck do I eat” PDF http://www.trustedhands.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfi les/phase2dietwithexplanation.pdf

This is general, but a great start. Add to this list with your own favorites, juicing, sprout   ing, supplements, good water source, etc. Don’t worry about calories. If you eat good fats, your hunger will balance easily. Remember breakfast as a big meal.

Chinese proverb: Eat like a King at breakfast, Prince (worker) at Lunch and Pauper at dinner.”

  1. Favorite recipe website: www.yummly.com (most popular recipe app in the world 🙂 Just type in vegan or vegetarian and you will gets LOADS of recipes
  2. Kitchen appliance MUST for quick and easy meals www.oster.com/cooking/food-steamers *** *** I do ALL my veggies in this and makes a ton of extra for decreased cooking time,    and leftovers for breakfast or lunch the next day. Freezer to table in 30 minutes or so.     Also cooks my quinoa in 30 minutes perfect every time. And I can forget about it     and it turns off when Iʼm distracted on


  1. Juicing : I am not a juice expert – but the HFATG (James Evans on Facebook) has A LOT of juicing experiemce. So make yourselves known to the group so members can ask questions.
  2. Revamped food pyramid – we can add to this and make it better : Food Pyramids are mar- keting tools, with heavy infl uence of the very powerful industries producing sugar, meat, dairy and grains. Here is my attempt at one for healthy blood sugar levels.

Bad Fats and Red Wine

Herbs, Spices, Superfood Greens

Fruit and Healthy Fats

(nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocado)

Quinoa, Legumes, Brown Rice and Whole Grains (Eggs)

TONS of fresh, organic vegetables – eating mostly green and above ground

  1. Best greens to eat:     Spirulina – 3 times the protein of steak!!! Wheat Grass – Highly alkalizing and promotes healthy blood   Barley Grass – 11 times more calcium than cowʼs milk Chlorella – rich in B-vitamins and helps hardened arteries Wild blue-green algae – fi rst form of life on Earth, high protein, B-vitamins, brain function     and immune system booster.   Parsley – bones, kidneys, bladder, immune system
  2. Stages of Blood Sugar Imbalances (associated symptoms listing)

Initial Stage: Blood Sugar Imbalance   Shaky/Irritable Without Food   Abdominal Weight Gain Sugar/Carb Cravings   Difficulty Losing Weight Fatigue     Gas/Bloating Feel Better After Eating   Tired in Afternoon Difficulty Concentrating, Poor Focus Reflux/Sour Stomach/Nausea Crave A Small “Sweet” After Meals Blurry Vision           Sleepy After Meals

Second Stage: Reactive Hypoglycemia

Above Symptoms Worse and/or Plus: Overall Fatigue     Waking Up At Night/Insomnia History of Skipping Meals   History of Sugar/Carb Intake History of High Stress   History of High Trans-Fatty Acids/Eating Out/Junk Food

Third Stage: Insulin Resistance

Above Symptoms Worse and/or Plus: Mental Fogginess and Fatigue   Thinning Hair in Women Depression     Intestinal Gas/Bloating Abdominal Weight Gain   Increased Blood Pressure Increased Triglycerides   Hormone Issues (PCOS-Infertility) Auto-Immune Disorders   Allergies/Food Sensitivites

Fourth Stage: Metabolic Syndrome (defi ned as the presence of 3 of the following )

– Waist Circumference: Men – 40 inches or more       Women – 35 inches or more – Low HDL Cholesterol: Men – less than 40mg/dl Women – less than 50mg/dl – Fasting Blood Triglycerides greater than 150mg/dl – Blood Pressure greater than 130/85mm/Hg – Fasting Glucose greater than 100mg/dl

Fifth Stage: Diabetes (Western Medical Diagnosis)

Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) – Result of greater than 125mg/dl Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) – 200mg/dl or above


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