Home » Cosmic Vision News » COSMIC VISION NEWS – MARCH 13, 2015

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You may have missed this show due to a mix-up regarding Daylight Savings Time. Sweden. Where Geoff now lives, has not yet gone on DST, so Geoff was running behind the North American Continent’s time frame.

As usual, Geoff did not disappoint! I know that he fell on the ice a week or two ago and hurt the back of his rib cage. This has been very painful and made getting more than 2 hrs. sleep at a time impossible.   During this show, he requests healing energies from those of you who do energetic healing.

 I’ve listened to CVN wkly. ever since it was created. Geoff, working alone on his newscast, always demonstrates his talent as a journalist who can still function with skill when under duress.

During this show, I kept thinking of Benjamin Fulford’s March 9, 2015 report in which he stated: “There are now many undeniable signs that a historical black swan event is imminent.black-swan-cygnets_2149407iThe exact nature of this event is uncertain but it involves the end of a system of governance dating back thousands of years and the emergence of a new paradigm for humanity. Since the global occult leadership links their machinations to celestial events, there is a possibility this event will be connected to the March 19th super moon and the March 20th solar eclipse.”

 Don’t miss this show!




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