Home » Dr. Kathyrn May » Mother’s Mini-Message # 15 We Shall Overcome

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who needs light

Dr. Kathryn MayDr. Kathryn E. May

Mother’s Mini-Message # 15

We Shall Overcome

Dear Children, yesterday was a monumental day.  It was Father’s Day for many, the summer solstice for the Northern Hemisphere, and a day of revelation and new beginnings for my children who are searching within themselves for the freedom to begin a new world without the shadows and pain that led humankind into darkness so long ago.

On this day of celebration and new Light, our beloved Meg, co-host of our radio show with Kathryn, has taken a turn on her path that has freed her from the prison of millions of years of darkness and pain.  As you know, Meg was one of our dear Archangel daughters who received the longest and most severe damage of any souls participating in the Earth Project.

Meg spent thousands of lifetimes recycling within the prison of mind-control in the 4th dimension, and she is the first to completely free herself from the most extreme level of cruelty, pain and enslavement – the system of programming the Annunaki brought to planet Earth.  She has, by the sheer will of her loving heart, come into the bright Light of our Love, completely and joyfully.

It is difficult to find the words to describe the profound truth our dear Meg brought to light on this new day.  She awoke to a new depth of understanding of herself and her lifetimes of abuse and trauma to realize the truth that has affected herself and all of humankind.

Can you absorb this simple, yet profound Truth she found under the layers upon layers of experience?  It is, in her words, just this: “I saw that I had, in a thousand large and small ways, done to others what had been done to me.  I saw myself asking my dearest friend, who is the angel in my life, to walk four blocks with me so we could have dinner at a restaurant I like.  She had a sprained ankle, not yet healed, and I asked her to walk on her still painful leg, declaring it would be good for her!  I see it, I see the whole landscape of what I have done!  I have passed on the thoughtlessness and cruelty, and I didn’t even realize it!”

READ MORE: http://www.whoneedslight.org/cm-english/2015/6/20/sdpews0g6feyk2ck4daf8gn7tm3u95


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