Home » Dr. Michael Salla » Secret space programs more complex than previously revealed Written by Dr Michael Salla on April 7, 2015. Posted in exopolitics research

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Dr. Michael Salla:  “According to a new whistleblower claiming to have worked with multiple secret space programs, the complexity of programs, technologies and their dynamic interrelations is far greater than anything previously revealed. The overall scope of information “Corey” (aka GoodETxSG/Luke), is revealing on these secret space programs appears destined to dwarf anything released by prior whistleblowers. Already according to David Wilcock, who has spent 22 years researching whistleblower testimony on extraterrestrial life and the secret space program(s), Corey  ‘knew almost as much as all the others had told me combined.’”

READ MORE:  http://exopolitics.org/secret-space-programs-more-complex-than-previously-revealed/


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