Home » Dr. Kathyrn May » Mother’s Mini-Message # 17 Proof is Not the Measure of Truth

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who needs light

Dr. Kathryn MayDr. Kathryn E. May

Mother’s Mini-Message # 17

Proof is Not the Measure of Truth

 Dearest Ones, I have a puzzle for you today.  I am going to ask you to discover why many of you tend to want “proof” of all kinds of things, like whether God exists, or whether there really is an afterlife, or whether there is really life on other planets, and whether the Masters and Angels you read about here are real.

There are still many among you who would raise an eyebrow at the idea of to speaking with angels and so-called Masters.  I assure you, you have your own private line to speak with us at all times.  When you are able to embrace this, you will have the proof of it.  You must cultivate your willingness to be open to things for which there may be no 3-dimensional “proof.”  This does not mean there is no proof.

Proof is not the measure of Truth.

READ MORE: http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Mother-s-Mini-Message—17–Proof-is-Not-the-Measure-of-Truth.html?soid=1114135227078&aid=ogEsBgL2As0


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