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BEST TO BE PREPARED FOR THE UNKNOWN by having plenty of food, cash, gas, toilet paper, prescriptions filled … “better safe than sorry.”

According to those who speak with Insiders, it’s looking like it will take something BIG to wake people up. From all indications, many sleep on.

I found it very interesting to see that Martin’s Grocery in Richmond had gotten in 20 rolls packages of toilet paper last week and placed them on sale. I had never seen them carry such large amounts. Multitudes are saying September and October will hold a flood of change.

We cannot create the Golden Age without allowing the old ways to crumble, including the debt oriented financial system. WE NEED TO PREPARE AND REMAIN CALM … THINK & BE LOVE IN ALL THINGS! THE QUALITY OF OUR CONSCIOUSNESS DETERMINES WHAT WE EXPERIENCE!


Skip to around 32 minutes on the show to begin the interview.



Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7 Manik, 0 Zip, 1 Ik – September 5, 2017
Awakening of Friendship with the Star Beings by Master Kuthumi – channeled through through Natalie Glasson 1st September 2017
Q&A with Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society August 29, 2017
When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 9 Cib, 14 Uo, 1 Ik – August 29, 2017
