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NOTE BY NANCY: Cobra gives us an overview of the events on Planet Earth.

Proxy Galactic War in Syria

October 19, 2015

Excerpts from Cobra’s report:

“…. Pleiadians and allied races were always supporting the Earth population in their fight for freedom against Chimera/Draco/Reptilian suppression. Slavic people, especially Russians, were usually quite open to Pleiadian guidance and support….”


“…. Pleiadians and allied races are now backing up Putin in his mission to clear Syria of the Islamic state mercenaries. Those beings actually belong to the Reptilian warrior caste which came to planet Earth thousands of years ago through the Caucasus portal and kept reincarnating in human bodies….”

“…. The situation in Syria is the geopolitical turning point for the planetary liberation. Iranian military is proudly showing their underground military bases:


While on the opposite side, Saudi Khazarians are on the run:


Far away from the attention of the mainstream media, masses in Europe are beginning to rise in their fight for freedom….”

READ ENTIRE ARTICLE: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2015/10/proxy-galactic-war-in-syria.html


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