Home » Channel Panel Radio Show » Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Ashtar, Sananda and Serapis Bey Dr. Kathryn May’s Chanel Panel Radio Show – January 13, 2016

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Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Ashtar, Sananda and Serapis Bey

Dr. Kathryn May’s Chanel Panel Radio Show – January 13, 2016

Kathryn May

We are crossing rough seas, with the frequencies shrieking for many of us, and the promise of a New Day just in front of us, but tantalizingly difficult to hold in our imaginations as we move away from 3rd dimensional reality.

Ashtar will lead the way, to explain what we are experiencing now, give us pointers and helpful guidance to make the leap to our new reality.

Sananda will give us an update and further encouragement to keep going.

Serapis Bey will reveal how we have already ascended, and what remains for us to do.

Mother God closes the show.




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