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Keshe, Maxwell, Hertz and the key to Gravity, Electromagnetism and Physics

By Ian Greenhalgh on May 14, 2016 – VETERANS TODAY

ScreenHunter_02-May.-14-19.44Keshe holding one of his domestic Magrav units

“For those of you who don’t know, Mehran T. Keshe is an Oxford trained physicist, one time researcher (nuclear weapons researcher our investigations indicate) for the British MOD (Ministry of Defense) who now heads the equivalent of a worldwide cult.   Keshe claims his physics, using different laws than are taught today, make free energy and even space travel, real space travel, a possibility.

We sent scientists to meet him, one said he was insane.  Problem is this, his devices actually work, even when tested by detractors and skeptics.  They are being manufactured and distributed around the world, the plans are available and people are building their own and all of this is documented….”   (bold font by Nancy)

READ ARTICLE:  http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/05/14/keshe-maxwell-hertz-and-the-key-to-gravity-electromagnetism-and-physics/


VT has exposed much truth, especially via Gordon Duff’s speech in Damascus, Syria:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jE2_qmlKFVU





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