Home » Benjamin Fulford » Israel, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, France, Italy and Germany next on list of countries to be freed from Khazarian mafia

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Israel, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, France, Italy and Germany next on list of countries to be freed from Khazarian mafia

benjamin_fulford_4Benjamin Fulford – Posted August 1, 2016

The battle to liberate humanity from the grips of the genocidal Khazarian mafia is proceeding well with major victories on multiple fronts amidst increasing global chaos as the post-war world order continues to collapse.

The biggest moves are now taking place in the Middle-East where, now that Turkey has thrown off Khazarian (Sabbatean) mafia rule, a Russian, Pentagon, Syrian, Turkish, Iranian and Egyptian alliance is preparing to liberate the people of Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. This will cut off all supplies of Middle-Eastern oil money to the Bush/Rockefeller/Clinton faction of the Khazarian mafia….”

READ MORE:  http://benjaminfulford.net/


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