Home » Spirituality » MATTHEW'S MESSAGE – JULY 29. 2015

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Cause of increased violence; US presidency; BREXIT, European Union in Illuminati context; light; refugees; natural disasters; alternative healthcare practitioners, whistleblowers; damaged souls; auras

“With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Your concerns about a number of issues are shared by many around the world, particularly the frequency of terrorist acts and mass shootings. As sad as it is to see our Earth brothers and sisters killing one another, we anticipated the increase in those kinds of incidents. They are the natural result of your linear time crunching up and energy levels that have intensified all personal characteristics, including mental instability, and corresponding behavior—those two powerful forces working in tandem is accelerating the activity of energy streamers with violent attachments.

We hasten to add that those forces are affecting everything on the planet, and situations propelled by beneficial attachments are steaming toward soundly-reasoned resolutions….”

READ MORE:  http://www.matthewbooks.com/july-29-2016/


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